On Wednesday 20 July 2005 20:34, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Hi,
> Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > On Wednesday 20 July 2005 16:27, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>the following has been discussed before. I was able to reproduce the
> >>following:
> >>
> >>I use a 6-slot autoloader.
> >>I have a query to report which tapes are loaded in the slots.
> >>I insert a magazine with six cartridges and do 'update slots scan
> >>storage=HPDAT"
> >>After that, the query correctly reports the tapes in all six slots.
> >>The backup running first uses the tape already loaded in the drive after
> >>the scan.
> >>One tape is filled, bacula changes the tape, but now the report doesn't
> >>show the tape just unloaded.
> >
> > What report?
> The report as printed by the following query in query.sql (MySQL):
> # 17
> :List which media bacula thinks is in changer:
> SELECT MediaId,VolumeName,VolBytes/(1024*1024*1024) AS GB,Slot,Pool.Name
> AS Pool
> ,MediaType,VolStatus
>   FROM Media
>   LEFT JOIN Pool ON Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId
>   WHERE (Slot > 0) AND (InChanger=1)
>   ORDER BY MediaType ASC, Slot ASC;
> >>When I manually update the volume information, everything goes as
> >> expected.
> >
> > What Volume information?  I don't understand what you are updating.
> Like when I do he following:
> #update volume=DAT-120-0027
> Updating Volume "DAT-120-0027"
> Parameters to modify:
>       1: Volume Status
>       2: Volume Retention Period
>       3: Volume Use Duration
>       4: Maximum Volume Jobs
>       5: Maximum Volume Files
>       6: Maximum Volume Bytes
>       7: Recycle Flag
>       8: Slot
>       9: InChanger Flag
>      10: Volume Files
>      11: Pool
>      12: Volume from Pool
>      13: All Volumes from Pool
>      14: Done
> Select parameter to modify (1-14): Unexpected question has been received.
> 9
> Current InChanger flag is: 0
> Set InChanger flag? yes/no: Unexpected question has been received.
> 1
> Invalid response. You must answer yes or no.
> Set InChanger flag? yes/no: Unexpected question has been received.
> yes
> New InChanger flag is: 1
> Updating Volume "DAT-120-0027"
> Parameters to modify:
>       1: Volume Status
>       2: Volume Retention Period
>       3: Volume Use Duration
>       4: Maximum Volume Jobs
>       5: Maximum Volume Files
>       6: Maximum Volume Bytes
>       7: Recycle Flag
>       8: Slot
>       9: InChanger Flag
>      10: Volume Files
>      11: Pool
>      12: Volume from Pool
>      13: All Volumes from Pool
>      14: Done
> Select parameter to modify (1-14): Unexpected question has been received.
> 14
> Selection done.
> #
> >>When I manually unload the tape from the drive before the job requests a
> >>tape, everything works normal, too: bacula sees the drive is empty and
> >>loads a tape automatically.
> >>
> >>Could somebody verify this?
> >
> > I don't understand the problem for the reasons noted above.
> The problem is that in a special case the InChanger Flag seems to get
> cleared where it should remain set.

I suspect that this is because the tape is in the drive and the "update slots 
scan ..." did not unload it.  If I am not mistaken, this will be corrected by 
the new mtx-changer script, which reports back Volumes in the drive as well 
as in the magazine.  You might want to take the 1.37.30 version as it stands 
and test it with your 1.36.x setup.  It *may* solve that problem.

> That case is when you do an update slots scan command, bacula fills the
> volume loaded in the drive by the update slots command, and then
> continues with another volume without user intervention.
> > Now would be a good time to take the pain an upgrade to 1.37.30.  If you
> > still have the problem, I can probably fix it before releasing the
> > software in the next few weeks.
> Yep, I will upgrade as soon as I can... I have one rather long job
> running for two days already, and only wait for that to be done, then
> for my regular jobs to run, then I'm away for three days, and in the
> next week I hope to do the upgrade.
> Considering that the autochanger support seems to have changed a bit, I
> even hope that the above problem disappeared automagically ;-)

Yes, probably so, but undoubtedly there will be a number of other annoyances 
until people complain.

> By the way - the above is far from serious.
> Arno

Best regards,



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