Kern Sibbald wrote:

Bacula only writes on tapes you tell it to write on, and when it does so, it produces a Job report clearly indicating what it did (providing you configured the email correctly).

That's what I had assumed. It's also possible that Bacula is producing these job reports and I'm just not seeing them. :-) If it happens again, I will try to read the label using the Bacula functionality to do so. The only reason I even suspected Bacula is because the Amanda setup has been operating for two years now and the only change I made to the server was to install Bacula. Shortly after that, 10 of the 30 tapes became unusable by Amanda. Could be total coincidence - perhaps the drive needed a good cleaning or something. As I was on the other side of the world at the time, I was not able to watch it as close as I usually do, to really get a good feel for it as it was happening.

I could see a scenario where Amanda and Bacula could co-exist - Amanda doesn't lock the tape or changer devices 24/7, so unless an active Amanda backup is in progress, Bacula could have access to those resources. Since my Amanda run window is well defined, that could work. However, from my limited experience with Bacula, it seems that when run as a daemon, it likes to hang onto the resouces whether it is actively using them or not. That's probably not a bad design decision, really, but it does have the side effect of Amanda failing since it can never get the device.

I suspect there's a way to run Bacula in some other mode where it doesn't hold onto the resource 24/7, but I just haven't explored enough yet.

Thanks for the help!

Fran Fabrizio
Senior Systems Analyst
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
University of Alabama at Birmingham

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