Hi there,

yesterday I read about the nice point-in-time-recovery (PITR) feature
of postgresql - and decided to use this in future.
(See: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.0/interactive/backup-online.html)

PITR gives you the ability to have really continuous backup of your
I saw mechanisms like that also on other databases like
oracle and db2.

In many cases the dbms-systems allow the definition of a hook-command
which processes the arising dbms-logfiles.

I.e. you can define such a hook in postgresql in that way:
archive_command = 'cp -i %p /mnt/server/archivedir/%f </dev/null'

My question is:

How can I continuously backup these files to a spoolfile and write
this file to a tape at the end of the day ?

If there currently no way to do this - are there some design-concepts to write
a plugin-interface for the backup and restore of databases ?

Another idea would be the integration of inotify
(http://www.edoceo.com/creo/inotify/) - but I suppose that this isn't that
portable like the existing code of bacula.

I think this would be a big advance to make bacula more suitable
for professional usage.

Best regards

Marc Schoechlin

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