
Tom Boyda wrote:

>> Hello,
>> I am using bacula 1.37.30 on a Solaris 9 system with a mysql db

>You should consider upgrading to 1.37.38 - I think there are some 
>serious improvements.

Looking into upgrading - will I be required to upgrade my windows
clients from 1.37.32 to be able to use 1.37.38 director and storage

>> I have set my monthly pools to have "Volume Use Duration" of 3 days.
>> Three days was an arbitrary number - all full backups complete in
>> 8 hours - I picked three days in case there was a problem I would
>> time to correct and still let bacula write to the tape. I want the
>> monthly tapes taken offsite.
>> It looked like Volume Use Duration is the key I want - Once I start
>> writing to tape after three days the tape will be marked "Used" and
>> bacula will use the next volume in the pool. After the monthly full
>> backups complete I remove the tapes from the changer and put it in
>> offsite box. At this time the monthly tapes have gone offsite but
>> still has the tapes marked as "Append". I know I could mark the tapes
>> hand as "Used" but I really would like bacula to do this for me. 

>Even better would be Archive, because these tapes are not automatically

>recycled, and thus never requested. Although, with current Bacula 
>status, this would not pose a problem it would work cleaner.

Would that be changing the "VolStatus" field to Archive?

Well, after about 90 days the old offsite tapes will come back and be
put into the changer and I would like those tapes to be recycled and
reused, if the tapes are marked Archive will bacula still honor the
file/job retention for the volume being returned to the changer?

>> I am wondering when the tape will be marked "Used"?

>Only when bacula actually decides it should use them for writing. That 
>is, if you remove them from the autochanger before the 3 days are over,

>Bacula knows that there are other volumes better suited for use and
>those first.

Okay, so at the next monthly full backup bacula will look in the catalog
and see that Monthly01-001 has "Volume Use Duration" of 3 days and make
the Volume Status "Used" or "Archive" and use the next volume in the
Monthly01 pool. Is that correct?

>> Will this be a problem if the tape is not in the changer and bacula
>> wants to change the tape status?

>No, the status is purely a catalog thing.

>> What Am I doing wrong? Or what have I missed that "Volume Use
>> is not marking the tapes as used?

>Nothing, everything is all right...
>Now, I imagine one could modify bacula to do how you want it to work, 
>but in your situation, I'd make things differently.

I just need to get a handle on how bacula wants to work and make my
schedule fit around bacula so that bacula will handle tape rotation and
recycling by itself with the least amount of intervention on my part or
the operators part.

>> Should I just mark the tapes used by hand?

>Personally, I think "by hand" and "reliable backup" are rather 
>incompatible, so - No.

I agree. 

>> Really I want our operator to pull the tapes and put them in the
>> box without my intervention. And when we get up to our cycle period
>> the "old" full monthly backup tapes return they will be put back into
>> the changer so they can be recycled and reused.

>I'd do the following:
>Create a script that scan the catalog and markes all tapes as Archive 
>which you will move offsite, in your case all Full backup tapes that
>in Full or Append or Used state and in the loader. Send a list with the

>tape names and slot number to the operator, requesting to remplace
>tapes. Mark the slots affected as empty.

When you say "Mark the slots affected as empty" do you mean to have the
script changed the InChanger field to 0?

>Finally, create a script that uses baculas 'update slots' command to 
>re-scan the autochanger, and have that execute when the operator 
>acknowledges the tape change.
>Or, if you have a library with mailslot or removable magazine, let your

>script automatically eject the tapes that should be moved offsite.

>Might take a day or two to get this working, but afterwards you don't 
>have to do hese things manually, and your operator only needs to 
>operate, not to think :-)

Thank you,

Thomas Boyda
Daou Systems, Inc.

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