Ray Burr wrote:
Landon Fuller wrote:

Kern Sibbald wrote:


Does anyone have any *real* bacula .conf examples of using the new TLS data encryption feature? I would like to add them to the manual.

Here are the TLS portions of my configuration files:

I just set mine up today. I started with Landon's configuration, but one thing I noticed is that (based on watching with tcpdump) I wasn't getting an encrypted connection from the FD to the SD. I had to add "TLS Require = yes" to the FileDaemon section on the client configuration to get an encrypted connection. I'm no SSL guru, so maybe I've missed some other problem in my configuration.

Whoops, I forgot that section. Yeah, you'll need the TLS Require line.

  FileDaemon {
    Name = client1-fd

    # I think this is used when connecting to the storage daemon.
    TLS Require = yes
    TLS CA Certificate File = /etc/bacula/ssl/ca.pem
    TLS Certificate = /etc/bacula/ssl/client1-cert.pem
    TLS Key = /etc/bacula/ssl/client1-key.pem

Since the storage daemon isn't validating client certificates (and doesn't really need to -- the client can only connect with a valid cookie from the Directory), you shouldn't need to specify Certificate/Key pair here.


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