
Please always copy the bacula-users list.

I'd suggest that you file a bug report, but in addition to this, you will need 
to include your bacula-dir.conf and bacula-sd.conf files.  Also a debug 
output of the SD -d200 might help.

On Friday 18 November 2005 20:00, Pedro Henrique Morsch Mazzoni wrote:
> Hi!
> Now I have other problem.
> Even if I select mod when I run a restore job It don't change the
> storage, like this:
> Run Restore job
> JobName:    colchesterRestore
> Bootstrap: 
> /var/db/bacula/backup-dir.restore.*Console*.2005-11-18_16.59.19.bsr Where: 
>     *None*
> Replace:    always
> FileSet:    colchester
> Client:     colchester-fd
> Storage:    backup
> When:       2005-11-18 17:00:00
> Catalog:    backup
> Priority:   10
> OK to run? (yes/mod/no): mod
> Parameters to modify:
>      1: Level
>      2: Storage
>      3: Job
>      4: FileSet
>      5: Client
>      6: When
>      7: Priority
>      8: Bootstrap
>      9: Where
>     10: Replace
>     11: JobId
> Select parameter to modify (1-11): 2
> The defined Storage resources are:
>      1: backup
>      2: colchester
>      3: gateway
>      4: loghost01
>      5: loghost02
>      6: loghost03
>      7: www01
>      8: www02
>      9: www03
>     10: www04
>     11: ftp
>     12: fs1
>     13: fs2
> Select Storage resource (1-13): 2
> Run Restore job
> JobName:    colchesterRestore
> Bootstrap: 
> /var/db/bacula/backup-dir.restore.*Console*.2005-11-18_16.59.19.bsr Where: 
>     *None*
> Replace:    always
> FileSet:    colchester
> Client:     colchester-fd
> Storage:    colchester
> When:       2005-11-18 17:00:00
> Catalog:    backup
> Priority:   10
> OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
> And I got the error:
> 18-Nov 17:00 backup-dir: Start Restore Job
> colchesterRestore.2005-11-18_17.00.24 18-Nov 17:00 backup-sd:
> colchesterRestore.2005-11-18_17.00.24 Fatal error: acquire.c:199 Open
> device "backup" (/mirror/disk0/backup)
> Volume "colchester-2005-11-10" failed: ERR=dev.c:466 Could not open:
> /mirror/disk0/backup/colchester-2005-11-10, ERR=No such file or
> directory
> 18-Nov 17:01 colchester-fd: colchesterRestore.2005-11-18_17.00.24
> Fatal error: job.c:1665 Bad response to Read Data command. Wanted 3000
> OK data
> , got 3000 error
> Thanks,
> Pedro Mazzoni
> 2005/11/18, Kern Sibbald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > On Friday 18 November 2005 17:39, AltGrendel wrote:
> > > Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > > >You must likely have two storage devices with the same media type, so
> > > > Bacula chooses one.  Either use different Media Types, so Bacula
> > > > knows what Storage device to use or specifically set the storage
> > > > device using mod.  The documentation explains this problem ...
> > >
> > > Is there a suggested method for changing media types or is just running
> > > a sql update statement fine?
> >
> > Yes, that should be fine.  Be sure to backup your database before you
> > begin just in case.
> >
> > > I"m using MySQL, BTW.
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Kern
> >
> >  (">
> >  /\
> >  V_V

Best regards,



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