> I see that your new error is:
>>  ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user
> 'root'@'localhost'
>>  (using password: YES)
> Did you add the correct system root password to your
> /etc/mysql/my.cnf file? 
> After I do that I can run mysql with no -p parameter
> at all. 

Its probably been a while since you installed a brand new mysql when
no db were present on your system but when you do (on gentoo) you are
given a chance to run an emerge config command (forgot the exact
incantation) to set it up.  It prompts for a password.  I gave it one.

I got confused later thinking mysql wanted a `users' password.  But
apparently it doesn't really care about user if the correct password
is given.  I thought root pwd would override all as in the OS but it
does not.  

I'm finding I can run all the gentoo specific scripts by using that
initial password, and it seems once `grant priviledges' is run for a
specific user, that user is then no longer queried for a password.

One can simply edit the `grant_priviliges' script adding what every
USER you want, but using the initial password.

That may not apply everywhere.... I'm too green to know where and when

Thru mainly your help, and other posters here and on gentoo list I'm
now getting started with the `bacula' part of this and seem to have
appeased mysql enough to get going.

I don't have specific questions at this point but need to do some
concentrated tinkering for a while .... and when I do have specific
question [as Arnold would say] I'll be back.

Thanks for your many helpfull hints and the time you've spent posting
and helping me.

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