
On 03.12.2005 18:54, Harry Putnam wrote:

I'm wondering if bconsole is purposely overly primitive or if I may
have something setup wrong or stuff in my OS that is causing a


No, bconsole is primitive by design, although not as much as you think. Admittedly, command completion could be nice, but I guess Kern never was that interested in UIs. Anyway, you can abbreviate commands (uniquely) and give details on the command line. For example, I often issue commands like 'sta sd=DLT' instead of 'status storage' and going through the prompts.

For the future, I guess you'd either have to nag Kern to improve the command line interface (which will be hard to impossible, I think) or wait and see how progress goes with the graphical UIs. Not only wx-console, which can make restores much easier already, but also for some new projects.

What I see is bconsole has no completion, no globbing, no backspace
that deletes to left of cursor.

Hmm. Backspace works here, but the command line is in overwrite mode initially... whenever I use it to edit command lines, I press the 'Insert' key once and at least have the (for me) common insert mode activated.

It does have a commandline memory so I guess readline is ok, but

As far as I recall, Kern had some reasons to suggest _not_ to use readline but some other, more limited, package. You might find something in the list archives.

should I also have the other things mentioned here or is it lacking
intentionally for some reason?

I suspect that it's kind of intentional, i.e. Kern concentrates on other parts of Bacula, and nobody else ever improved bconsole.


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