Hello Joshua, 

On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 16:55:11 -0900 Joshua Kugler

> All -
> After using Bacula for almost a year, I'm having to make some
> configuration changes due to network topology and firewalls.
> The situation is this: The network server is behind a firewall.  The
> clients I'm trying to back up are on the "other side" of the firewall
> (a DMZ of sorts).  The network server can connect to any of the
> client it wants to, but the clients cannot connect back behind the
> firewall, thus cannot make the connection back to the backup server.
> So, I thought I'd try SSH tunneling.
> I modified the example ssh-tunnel script a bit, and here is my
> command line:
> /usr/bin/ssh -fnCN2 -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey \
>  -i /usr/local/bacula/ssh/id_dsa -l $USER -R 9101:$LOCAL:9101 \
>  -R 9103:$LOCAL:9103 $CLIENT

Perhaps you need to do the redirecting on the output to > /dev/null
2> /dev/null



Stephan Holl

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