On Wednesday 14 December 2005 12:14, Greg Cope, e-DBA Team wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-12-13 at 16:51 +0100, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've seen requests like yours before, and never really answered them
> > because I didn't really know what to do with them.  However, for some
> > reason, this email peaked my interest, and I dug out an old 64MB USB
> > device that I received from Dell when I bought a computer some time ago. 
> > I plugged the silly thing into my laptop and after a bit of scrounging
> > around found that all I needed to do was mount it, and presto, I had a
> > removable filesystem.
> I am using 250/300Gb disks in enclosures.

Yes, I imagined this was the case, and it is certainly how most people will 
want to use it.  In my case, I now have two small 2GB USB gadgets in hand 
that I can play with.

> > Anyway, concerning Bacula working with these USB removable filesystems.
> > The big problem is that Bacula doesn't understand what a removable
> > filesystem is (except for DVDs) and hence expects *all* your Volumes to
> > be online all the time.
> Ah!
> > It seems to me that with a bit of tweaking, not only could Bacula be made
> > to know what is and what is not online, but it could also automatically
> > mount the Volume if needed.  All I need to do is steal (well, adapt is a
> > better word) a bit of the DVD code.
> That would be great, but I know youre adding loads of other projects and
> the recent voting did not include this.

Well, don't hold your breath. In terms of my priorities: #1 is getting 1.38.3 
working satisfactorily, #2 is integrating, testing, helping other developers, 
#3 is getting the Migration code working, and #4 is projects that amuse me 
such as this one. I'll probably be able to work on it a bit in January. For 
the moment, #1 and #2 have me submerged.

> > In the mean time, dealing with these things won't be so simple for you.
> > What you need to do is write two little scripts that you run: 1. a script
> > that you run just before you remove a device, and 2. a script that you
> > run when you insert the device.
> Presently I can do this manually as we only swap once every few weeks.
> > The first script should find all the Bacula Volumes on the device (simple
> > if you only have Bacula Volumes on it) then mark them with status
> > "Disabled" in the catalog if the current catalog status is "Append".
> How can I do that - is there a command or bconsole argument?

I see you found it :-)

> > The second script would do the inverse -- for each Bacula Volume on the
> > device that is marked with status "Disabled" in the catalog, it would
> > change it to "Append".
> >
> > This would solve 90% of all the problems -- there will be additional
> > problems with Volumes that are marked Purged or Recycled.   If you really
> > want to handle those correctly, in the first script, you will mark all
> > the Volumes currently on the device as "Disabled", and save their prior
> > status (and Volume name) in a file on the device.  The second script
> > would then reverse the process by setting the catalog status back to what
> > it previously was.
> >
> > The above is a bit of a kludge, but I don't see any other way to do it
> > without modifying Bacula code -- perhaps some clever user knows a better
> > way.  I see no reason why Bacula could not be modified to handle this
> > automatically, but that requires some code and programming time ...
> Thanks for the answer/thoughts.
> I think that a few people are trying to use USB drives, and more would
> do so if bacula supported it better.

Best regards,



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