Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:
> I've just started experimenting with new TLS feature.  One thing that almost
> immediattely popped out.
> It would be good to have "TLS Allowed DN" and "TLS Allowed Peer Certificate"
> options (or something shorter for the second one).
> The first option (TLS Allowed DN) would be there since CN might not be unique
> enough (actually, I was a bit surprised that initial implementation was
> checking the CN, not DN).  Especially on sites that already use TLS for other
> things and have established nameing conventions.  The CN field often contains
> only host name, and it is common practice that it is shared by all 
> certificates
> issued for services running on that host (for example, web server and bacula
> file daemon running on same machine might have different certificates, signed
> by same CA with same CN).  On the other hand, DN is uniqe within single CA.  
> It
> would be nice if the CA DN could also be specified (that would solve uniqeness
> problem in case when there is several trusted CAs).
> It would be nice if it was possible to match only on part of DN (for example,
> like in Apache configuration file).  But I guess this would additionally
> complicate things (although, I guess for some people it would be usefull
> feature).

Adding support for matching the full DN wouldn't be a bad idea, but bear
in mind that TLS Allowed CN is only verified for incoming connections
from a client -- a client certificate must be presented. While normal
host certificates are certainly shared between services, I don't see any
reason for a client certificate to be.

I personally use separate client certificates for specific services,
borrowing from the Kerberos principal naming convention by replacing /
with @, eg:

Only the director and bconsole clients require client certificates --
when the file daemon connects to the storage daemon, it presents a
randomly generated magic cookie provided by the director.

Obviously other sites use different naming conventions, and it would be
valuable to support those more fully.

> The second option (TLS Allowed Peer Certificate) would allow usage of
> self-signed certificates for authentication.  Setting up CA might be too much
> to ask for small sites.  Using the "TLS Allowed Peer Certificate", server 
> would
> check if the file pointed by that option contains same certificate (public 
> key)
> as the one that client presented.

Setting up a small CA is relatively straight-forward, especially with
software like TinyCA available.

However, if you (or anyone else) would like to implement this feature,
I'd be happy to review the code for inclusion.


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