On Wednesday 11 January 2006 20:25, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Hello,
> if you search the list archives, you will probably find many threads
> with similar problems.
> I assume that Bacula does have soe good reason to not reuse the volumes
> you want it to use. Usually, and we can't verify this without more
> details about the volumes in question (think llist), there's still valid
> data on them.
> Possibly, but I can't prove this, there are cases where Baculas
> recycling algorithm isn't working as I think it should; it might be
> that, after the first pruning run, all jobs are purged but the volume
> itself is not marked as purged. In this case, a simple mount might work
> wonders.
> And, finally, it's my personal belief but not mine alone) that the kind
> of backup scheme you use it not what you want with a serious backup
> strategy. In short, Bacula has quite reliable ways to select which
> volumes to recycle, and, even if you can force it to overwrite data that
> might still be valid, it's usually better to let Bacula handle that sort
> of decisions.

Nice.  I'm please that you still have the energy to repeat that :-)  Thanks.

> On 1/11/2006 3:27 PM, Daniel Betschart wrote:
> > I have configured bacula that tapes are automatically recycled. Bacula
> > should take the tape that is currently in the drive, if possible. Most
> > of the time it works, but sometimes bacula means that the tape is still
> > protected. In the logfile it says:
> ...
> > The protection of the volume Monat_1 was expired at Dec 5 2005. At the
> > beginning of the backup job, bacula pruned 2 jobs from this volume.
> > There were no more jobs on the volume, but bacula does not reuse this
> > volume. Instead, it asks for volume Monat_5, because it was omitted on
> > November.
> You didn't show us anything indicating that the volume was really
> purged. Using a catalog query or the llist command you can verify if a
> volume still holds unexpired jobs.
> ...
> > After the backup job there is a job that backups the catalog. It runs
> > just right after the backup job. In a case as described above, bacula
> > backups the catalog to the inserted tape without a problem.
> This might indicate that Bacula in fact didn't completely prune the
> volume. It might also be that, after some more time went by, the
> retention periods for all jobs on the tape expired.
> > So I have an aborted backup, but the catalog is backuped to the tape.
> >
> > I begun with bacula 1.34 and I had no such problems. Now with bacula
> > 1.36.1 this problem occurs from time to time.
> You might consider upgrading to 1.38.3 or the .4 beta version. There
> have been some serious modifications, lots of bug fixes, and the
> versions I mentioned seem to run reliable.
> Perhaps the reason for your problem is fixed by now.
> Arno

Best regards,



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