On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 10:27:17AM +0100, Arno Lehmann wrote:

> Ok, here is what I added to my query.sql file. Note that it works with 
> MySQL only - the only PostgreSQL installation I have available uses file 
> based backups, so there never was much need to make these queries 
> portable. And doing this by simply writing portable SQL is, 
> unfortunately, beyond my SQL capabilities :-)

These queries are more portable than you're giving yourself credit
for.  I ran all of these queries against a Postgres database and they
work as expected except for #17, which gives the notice and error
message shown below.  Even in this case, the fix is simple, albeit
non-obvious: just change "FROM Media,Storage" to "FROM Storage,Media",
and all is well.

> # 17: List which media bacula thinks is in changer:
> SELECT MediaId,VolumeName,VolBytes/(1024*1024*1024) AS GB,Storage.Name 
> AS Storage,Slot,Pool.Name AS Pool,MediaType,VolStatus
>  FROM Media,Storage
>  LEFT JOIN Pool ON Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId
>  WHERE (Slot > 0) AND (InChanger=1)
>  AND Media.StorageId=Storage.StorageId
>  ORDER BY MediaType ASC, Slot ASC;
NOTICE:  adding missing FROM-clause entry for table "media"
ERROR:  JOIN/ON clause refers to "media", which is not part of JOIN

bacula=> SELECT MediaId,VolumeName,VolBytes/(1024*1024*1024) 
bacula-> AS GB,Storage.Name
bacula-> AS Storage,Slot,Pool.Name AS Pool,MediaType,VolStatus
bacula->  FROM Storage,Media
bacula->  LEFT JOIN Pool ON Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId
bacula->  WHERE (Slot > 0) AND (InChanger=1)
bacula->  AND Media.StorageId=Storage.StorageId
bacula->  ORDER BY MediaType ASC, Slot ASC;
 mediaid | volumename | gb  | storage | slot |     pool     | mediatype | 
       9 | A00001L3   | 755 | Tape    |    1 | LTO3-backups | LTO-3     | Full
... snip ...
      58 | A00050L3   |   0 | tape    |   50 | LTO3-backups | LTO-3     | Append
(49 rows)

Thanks for the contribution Arno.  I can see these queries coming in

-- John Kodis.

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