
On 1/19/2006 2:16 PM, Timo Eissler wrote:
Arno Lehmann schrieb:


On 1/19/2006 11:23 AM, Timo Eissler wrote:

Hello list,

we use bacula in our firm and it work great, but we had a lot of questions before we can install bacula at our customers. The problem is that bacula needs in our mind a system operator to control bacula and we are our customers operator, but normally they want to change their tapes themselves
because every hour we work for them costs money.

We think these features should be added to bacula before we can install bacula at our customers and let a normal user change tapes and control the backup. A normal user we think could not work with the bconsole, he just can read emails
and change tapes.

1. It should be possible to show the tapes who should go into an fireproof safe or another building with which a complete restore
   of all data (regardless how much pools or jobs exist).

Just the job for a small script which queries the catalog.

Hmm either it is not so simple or i know baculas catalog and features not good enough to write such an script. Do you have an example code for this or can give me an hint (maybe a link) to write such a script?

Well, I don't have anything rwady-to-use for your needs, but basically you only need to find all volumes from the last full jobs, optionally set the ones in append state to state Used, and have the list of tapes you need to store.

I guess I would create a script that unmounts the storage device, moves the tapes to be removed into one magazine, the mail slots, or whatever you have, mails the user/operator to remove these tapes, print a form where they are listed, and wait for some sort of confirmation.

After confirmation, trigger an autoloader inventory, do an update slots for Bacula, and mount the drive.

More suggestions, details, or a script available on request, but for payment :-)

2. Which tapes should be inserted for the next jobs (maybe the hole week).

More difficult, but a reasonable guess is simple. I'd integrate this in the script above :-)

I think the best way to realise this is to get a list with all tapes from all pools in the order bacula wants to use them. Now the normal user can choose which tapes he must insert (he will know how much tapes from which pool because we can say it to him or he can read it in our documenation).

3. Automatically cleaning of the tape drive. (after x used tapes, x GB or maybe every saturday) I think this can be scripted and scheduled with an admin job, but we think this should be a function of bacula.

If it were, it should be implemented "correctly". What I consider correct can be found in the projects file in the Bacula distribution, I guess.

I submitted such a suggestion.

Another problem we had is the way bacula will check the "Volume Use Duration". In our case we change tapes mondays for the differential data backups which run Monday till Friday. We want every day to go on another Volume, so we set Volume Use Duration to 23hours. The Problem is that bacula checks the Volume Use Duration only after a Backup, so we tried to let an admin job which run with that pool set the VolStatus for the used tape to Used, but this wouldnt work. A quick fix will be an job which run on that pool and just backup a small file to close the tape. We think it would be a great feature to choose if the Duration check should be made after, before or after and before the backup.

I don't see the problem. After all, you are allowed to remove a volume before it's marked as Used.

Yes the Tape can be removed, but the customer wont change tapes every day. I know that removing the tape wont be a problem, but i must be done and
this costs time which is the problem.

Still, I don't see the problem.
You can remotely check if tape change is necessary, or you can even trigger the change remotely. You can also manipulate the catalog to change volume status. And, of course, your customer pays for your time, so they should be interested in having someone on-site who can handle tape changes and restores. At least that's what I strongly recommend...


I think this was all... No :) we want to thank everybody who contribute something to bacula for this really great piece of software!

Agreed :-)

Thanks and regards,



IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann                  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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