>>>>> On Thu, 02 Feb 2006 10:42:22 +0100, Arno Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Hi,
> On 2/2/2006 1:06 AM, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> > Arno Lehmann wrote:
> > 
> >>By the way, the shell expansion does not use regular expressions...
> >>
> >>To select only stuff starting with a dot, in a regular expression you
> >>should write '\.[^\.].+'. Unless I'm wrong, of course :-)
> >>
> >>That RE would be spelled like "take everything which starts with a dot,
> >>and is followed by one character which is not a dot, and is followed by
> >>at least one character".
> > 
> > 
> > That's not a bad port of the intent of the "standard Unix shell glob
> > trick".  Of course, were someone to name a file simply ".a", both it and
> > the Unix globbing trick would fail.  And, unfprtunately, it is not
> > compliant with the rules of POSIX extended regexes.
> > 
> > To catch ALL dotfiles in Bacula, where . and .. are not concerns, one
> > could simply use the following regex:
> > 
> > '^\..*'
> > 
> > which would denote any filename beginning with a literal . followed by
> > zero or more additional characters.
> > 
> > In a more general environment where . and .. are concerns
> Just to clarify this, and after a short look int the manual, is it 
> correct that Bacula doesn't match directory names against RegExFile 
> patterns? In that case, the REs would definitely become much simpler...

Yes.  It does the following:

if looking at a directory then
  match the whole filename against RegExDir
  match the whole filename against RegExFile
match the whole filename against RegEx

It does the same for WildDir, WildFile and Wild.

> > and we don't
> > want recursive selection of current and parent directories, the problem
> > is more complex.  We want to accept filenames beginning with a dot and
> > having at least one additional character, with the restriction that the
> > second character may not also be a dot.  That would look something like
> > this:
> > 
> > '^\.([^.]|\..).*$'
> > 
> > Note that there is NOT a \ escaping the . in the bracket expression.
> Thanks. I was sure I missed something.
> > This is because matching rules are different within POSIX bracket
> > expressions.  Quoting from regex.3:
> > 
> >        To  include  a  literal `]' in the list, make it the first
> >        character (following a possible `^').  To include  a  lit-
> >        eral `-', make it the first or last character, or the sec-
> >        ond endpoint of a range.  To use  a  literal  `-'  as  the
> >        first  endpoint of a range, enclose it in `[.' and `.]' to
> >        make it a collating element (see below).  With the  excep-
> >        tion  of  these  and some combinations using `[' (see next
> >        paragraphs), all other special characters, including  `\',
> >        lose  their  special significance within a bracket expres-
> >        sion.
> > 
> > The important part of that, for our purpose, is the last sentence,
> > because it means that within a [] pair, a \ is just a \, a . is just a
> > ., a psi is just a psi[1].  So not only is it impossible to escape the
> > dot within a bracket expression but, fortunately, we don't need to.
> > 
> > So, the above expression can be read as thus:
> > 
> > ^\.    Match anything which begins with a literal .
> > (      followed by EITHER
> > [^.]   a character which is not a literal .
> > |\..   OR a second literal . followed by ANY character
> > )      (end of the EITHER-OR part)
> > .*     followed by ANY ZERO OR MORE additional characters
> > $      and then ends.
> Great. And now, put that into the manual :-)

With a warning that it won't match anything, because all filenames begin with
a / or a drive letter :-)


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