

            We’ve been using Bacula in our company since the beginning of the year with a good deal of success, but I had a scheduling question that I hadn’t anticipated earlier.  As part of our backup rotation, I have 2 additional pools, Offsite1 and Offsite2 (just 1 tape each for now), that are scheduled to be written to on alternating Saturdays.  How it actually breaks down is:


·        We have 15 jobs setup that point to one of two schedules, depending on the retention we need.

·        The schedule then determines when and where to put the backup; in the case of the Offsite backups, the Offsite1 pool is used on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays, and the Offsite2 pool is used on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays.

·        (The actual schedule is below)



The Question:

But I see that we have a problem coming up in April; 5 Saturdays.  So if I specify either pool for the 5th Saturday, we loose our rotation.  I see that what we actually need to do is to set these up for ‘every other Saturday’ regardless of when it falls during the month.  My question is, how do you do that?




Our Schedule:


Schedule {

  Name = "MonthlyCycle"

  Run = Level=Full Pool=Offsite1 1st sat at 2:00

  Run = Level=Full Pool=Offsite2 2nd sat at 2:00

  Run = Level=Full Pool=Offsite1 3rd sat at 2:00

  Run = Level=Full Pool=Offsite2 4th sat at 2:00

  Run = Level=Full Pool=Weekly sun at 2:00

  Run = Level=Differential Pool=Daily FullPool=Weekly mon-fri at 2:00



Schedule {

  Name = "LongTerm"

  Run = Level=Full Pool=Offsite1 1st sat at 1:00

  Run = Level=Full Pool=Offsite2 2nd sat at 1:00

  Run = Level=Full Pool=Offsite1 3rd sat at 1:00

  Run = Level=Full Pool=Offsite2 4th sat at 1:00

  Run = Level=Full Pool=Monthly 1st sun at 1:00

  Run = Level=Full Pool=Weekly 2nd-4th sun at 1:00

  Run = Level=Differential Pool=Daily FullPool=Weekly mon-fri at 1:00






--Jeremy Koppel



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