Hi Guys,
I have scheduled jobs for the first time yesterday night and my storage daemon was stopped automatically i don't know why.I am have started the staorage daemon and i am checking the status using bcosole for director it is showing like this
Scheduled Jobs:
Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
Full           Backup    11  04-Mar-06 00:40    NightlySavemain2   *unknown*
Full           Backup    12  04-Mar-06 01:10    NightlySavedirect or2 *unknown*
Full           Backup    13  04-Mar-06 02:30    BackupCatalog      *unknown*
Running Jobs:
No Jobs running.
Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level     Files      Bytes     Status   Finished        Name
     1  Full          0              0 Error    03-Mar-06 02:10 NightlySavemain2
     2  Full          0              0 Error    03-Mar-06 03:40 NightlySavedirector2
     3  Full          0              0 Error    03-Mar-06 04:10 BackupCatalog
I am not sure why it is showing volume name unkown.I am running out of ideas and when i can check the error messages for bacula.
My director setting for jods and schedules are correct i think
How to get the volume name under volume.
Thanks for your help

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