On Mar 6, 2006, at 10:15, Arno Lehmann wrote:


On 3/6/2006 2:59 PM, Dwayne Hottinger wrote:
... that he needs 1.38 for MacOS X

I know thats the problem. But I dont see a dist for 1.38 dist for os x 10.3.x. Is there a build for the -fd on osx 10.3? Or how do I build for the osx 10.3?

Rather easy, although a little unisual for an apple user: Download the sources, run ./configure - in your case probably with --enable- client-only or something, run make, and voilĂ .

You will need the development tools installed. Quite a while ago I built an FD for OSX, and after installing XCode everything was ready to build.

Creating the proper start scripts might be a small problem because 10.4 "Tiger" has changed that a lot...

Much easier solution: Use DarwinPorts.
A StartupItem will be created automatically. 1.38.5 is currently available in the ports tree.


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