On Mar 9, 2006, at 3:52 AM, Andreas Aronsson wrote:

I really think I got it working now!

When I am comparing with the instructions given here:


The difference in my conf is:

bacula-fd.conf; add

# "Global" File daemon configuration specifications
FileDaemon {                          # this is me
     Name = xxxxx-fd
   TLS Enable = yes
( along with a root cert, cert and key )

bacula-dir.conf; add

# Client (File Services) to backup
Client {
 Name = xxxxx-fd
TLS Enable = yes
( along with a root cert, cert and key )

The directive

TLS Allowed CN = "xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxx"
I have yet to see have an effect. Makes no difference if I remove it.

What I have done is to log on with bconsole in between changes and issued a 'run' to start the job. If I remove the added directives it stops working again ( after restarting the service of course ) with a " Fatal error: Authorization problem: Remote server requires TLS." message at the end.
Remains to see if the nightly run is ok.

Again, many thanks to Dan Langille!

Should I suggest these changes to the manual to someone perhaps?

Could you send me your full set of configuration files as attachments? I'm having a lot of trouble following your configuration snipped and inlined in your e-mails. Also, have you tried watching the connections using tcpdump or ethereal to ensure that they really are encrypted?


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