Dear Bacula commuty,

I use Bacula with pleasure for quite a long time now. Very good soft.
Currently, I'm using Bacula 1.38.2 with a Fedora 4, with nightly automatic update activate. I was surprised this morning to see that the backup failed due to missing //dev/nst0/. I've checked, and in fact it is all //dev/nst*/ that are missing now. I'm not sure that is the right place to ask help for that, as it seems to be a SCSI related issue, but I do not know where I should have a better support than here, and do not have much time to found a solution by myself. For information, here is an extract of my/ /var/log/yum.log/ for this mounth:
Mar 03 04:48:47 Installed: kernel-devel.i686 2.6.15-1.1833_FC4
Mar 03 04:49:14 Installed: kernel.i686 2.6.15-1.1833_FC4
Mar 03 04:49:16 Updated: dhclient.i386 10:3.0.2-34.FC4
Mar 03 04:49:17 Updated: xterm.i386 208-2.FC4
Mar 07 06:05:40 Updated: shadow-utils.i386 2:4.0.12-7.FC4
Mar 08 05:31:01 Updated: ncurses.i386 5.4-19.fc4
Mar 08 05:31:07 Updated: ncurses-devel.i386 5.4-19.fc4
>eof /
Curiously, everything worked fine wednesday all the day long.
/cat /proc/scsi/scsi/ give me "/Attached devices/:" and nothing more.

Does anyone have a idear to help me to make this mess work?

Thanks and regards,


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