>>>>> On Thu, 09 Mar 2006 08:05:43 -0700, Michael Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>> said:
> Martin Simmons wrote:
> > How many files?  Note that even at 1KB per file entry in memory, 102000 
> > files
> > would only requie 100MB.
> > 
> > A common cause of slowness in restore is missing indexes in the database.
> So how do I tell if I am missing an index? We checked and there are 
> quite a few indexes in the database, including file indexes. Is there a 
> way to reindex the database?
> Any help would be appreciated, because the current machine is a test 
> case. If I install this on the main system, I am backing up 5-6 times as 
> many files. I can't use this system if it will take 2-3 hours to select 
> the file(s) that need to be restored.

Please post to the list so everyone can contribute.

The File table is usually the critical one.  See


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