On Thu, 16 Mar 2006, Alex Finch wrote:

So the user with the laptop finally dropped in again this week and we had a chance to pursue why bacula brings his machine to its knees. We worked through your suggestions and it turned out one of them was right. We turned off Norton Antivirus and everything got a lot faster. It is configured to check each file access, and was taking 50% of the CPU time to do it. This configuration is a standard campus-wide thing so I don't think we can change it. Now we want to work out how to schedule things so that the virus checker is off when bacula runs, and on otherwise.

Notwithstanding my feelings about NAV (it's junk), there should be a setting to exempt accesses from the bacula client from resulting in a file check - otherwise when defragging or using MS backup the machine would similarly be on its knees.


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