On Wednesday 22 March 2006 22:19, Carles Bou wrote:
> Some one has send me a mail telling that bacula only supports datetime
> encoding in US format i've changed this parameter in the postgresql.conf
> and bacula is running right!!
> Will this be solved in futures versions? 

I hope there is some PostgreSQL solution for this, because it is *extremely* 
unlikely that I will add any code to Bacula that tries to interpret foreign 
language date formats.

> Because i don't want to have 1 
> postgresql server running only for bacula, and another for my apps.
> I'll take a look into the postgresql doc to see if a can set this only for
> 1 DB.

Hopefully you or someone will find a solution.

> Thk's a lot to the list.
> Carles Bou wrote:
> > yes, her's part of my bacula-dir conf and bacula-fd.
> > I'm not posting the SD conf because files are writed on the tapechanger
> >
> > =====================bacula-dir==========================
> > JobDefs {
> >   Name = "DefaultJob"
> >   Type = Backup
> >   Level = Incremental
> >   Client = kaneda-fd
> >   Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
> >   Messages = Standard
> >   Pool = Default
> >   Priority = 10
> > }
> >
> > # i'm writing bsr 2 times because i've 2 hard drives (SYSTEM and RAID)
> > Job {
> >   Name = "Copia_Raid"
> >   JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
> >   FileSet = "Datos"
> >   Storage = PowerVault-122T
> >   Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/Copia_Raid.bsr"
> >   Write Bootstrap = "/mnt/raid/bacula/Copia_Raid.bsr"
> >   Priority = 10
> > }
> >
> >
> > FileSet {
> >   Name = "Datos"
> >   Include {
> >     Options {
> >       signature = MD5
> >     }
> >     File = /mnt/raid/admin
> >   }
> >     Exclude{
> >         File = "*.recycle/*"
> >         File = "*.[Ee][Xx][Ee]"
> >         File = "*.[Dd][Ll][Ll]"
> >         File = "*.[Ee][Rr][Rr]"
> >         File = "*.[Ll][Nn][Kk]"
> >         File = "*.[Dd][Ww][Ll]"
> >         File = "*.[Dd][Cc][Ee]"
> >         File = "*.[Ll][Oo][Gg]"
> >         File = "*.[Bb][Aa][Kk]"
> >         File = "*.[Tt][Mm][Pp]"
> >         File = "*.[Dd][Cc][Ee]"
> >         File = "*.[Ll][Dd][Bb]"
> >         }
> > }
> >
> > Schedule {
> >   Name = "WeeklyCycle"
> >   Run = Full 1st sat at 0:01
> >   Run = Differential 2nd-5th sat at 0:01
> >   Run = Incremental mon-fri at 23:05
> > }
> >
> > ===================bacula-fd==========================
> >
> >
> > FileDaemon {
> >   Name = kaneda-fd
> >   FDport = 9102
> >   WorkingDirectory = /var/lib/bacula
> >   Pid Directory = /var/run
> >   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
> > }
> >
> >
> > ================SQL Query on table file==============
> > fileid#fileindex#jobid#pathid#filenameid#markid#lstat#md5
> > 29#29#1#2#29#0#gR + IH/ B A A A BhC gAA Q BDBcJn BAiZEM BDwWXY A A
> > C#3++vPj+tNUl/F4+DU+++mC
> > 4122#29#2#2#29#0#gR + IH/ B A A A BhC gAA Q BDBcJn BAiZEM BDwWXY A A
> > C#3++vPj+tNUl/F4+DU+++mC
> >
> > as you can see same fileid same lstat backuped 2 times.
> >
> > Sebastian Stark wrote:
> >> Can you post the job and fileset resources regarding this?
> >>
> >> On 19.03.2006, at 03:14, Carles Bou wrote:
> >>> i'm running bacula 1.38.5 on gentoo with postgresql, as DB backend.
> >>>
> >>> i don't know why, but bacula is always copying all files in the set
> >>>
> >>> i've loocked at stat output and files, no change between 2 backups
> >>>
> >>> files are holded in reiserFS (hardware RAID-5)
> >>>
> >>> no virus scanner running
> >>>
> >>> i've droped DB, re-instaled bacula and nothing change.
> >>>
> >>> What can i do?
> >>>
> >>> thk's in advance and sorry for my english
> >>
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