Hi everybody!

We (the chair for Informations- and Engineering-Management at the
Ruhr-University of Bochum) are using bacula as our main backup system for
our Linux servers for about 4 months now and we are very confident with the
Since I am searching for a way to backup our workstations and laptops with
bacula also, I came over the following problem:

I dont want to have the server-backups and the workstation/laptop backups in
one file. So I tried to use different labels for them but all that happened
was that bacula created a file with the new name (e.g. workstation) but
still wrote the data to the old file (e.g. servers).
After that I tried to create 2 different storages in one storage daemon. It
went quite well but when I did the server backup first in the file servers
and did the workstation backup later in another file (+ a different
directory) and I tried to backup the servers again, bacula always searched
for the end of the file of the workstation backup which he didnt find there
of course. The same happened when I created 2 separated storage daemons on
one machine.

So my question is: 

How can I write the backup for the servers in one and the backup for the
workstations in a different file?

We are using bacula version 1.36.3 on a SuSe 9.2 system and we write the
data to a harddisk on a Windows 2003 server over the cifs.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Kindest regards
Alexander Nolte

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