
With the exception of the RPMs that are built by Scott, and the FreeBSD port, 
I have noticed that all the other "official" Bacula ports have seriously 
lagged.  I suspect that this is because the people responsible for those 
ports are no longer available: too busy with work, changed jobs, lost 
interest, ...

I do thank those of you who in the past who have supplied ports for the work 
you have done.   I hope to hear from you all concerning your availability for 
future ports whether positive or negative. Things change, that is not a 
problem, but I'd like to organize the ports a bit better for the Bacula 
users, which is the purpose of this email.

Three new people have proposed their ports: many thanks. Rather than writing 
much the same thing to each of you, I've decided to send this email -- bottom 
line, I would be *really* happy to have someone doing ports, even if it is a 
one shot event.

Here is how I can see this working:
- For each port, I would like to have one (or possibly two persons) officially 
designated as the ports person. The name and email address of the ports 
persons should be posted on the Web site so it is clear who the ports 
person(s) is.  If more than one person is doing a particular port, they will 
work together to decide who does what (share the work, or alternate 
releases,...).  Certain of you may be willing to do a port but won't have 
time to answer questions or take bug reports.  If that is the case, we can 
indicate those things on the Web site as well (i.e. are you willing to help 
or is the user on his own ...).

- For each port I would like to have all the necessary scripts and control 
files committed to the Bacula source code in the appropriate part of 
<bacula-source>/platforms/...   This will permit continuation of the port if 
a port person is not able to continue the work. This code can be committed 
and maintained by each of the ports persons directly.

- For each port (ideally, over time), I would like to have a small chapter in 
the manual much like the RPM FAQ chapter that explains how to build the 
binaries from the platform code, and any other particularities of the port.  
Given feedback from a knowledgeable person, this is something I can help with 
a lot.

- Ideally the binaries for each port will be loaded in the Bacula ports 
section of Source Forge. This can be directly done by the ports person.
There is no reason why these binaries can not be available elsewhere at the 
same time depending on your preference.

- It is not required, but much better if each of the ports releases either has 
an internal checksum or hashcode as is the case with RPMs or has a separate 
signature file as is the case with the .tar.gz and the windows.exe files.  
Given any binary file that does not have an internal hash or checksum, either 
Scott or myself can generate a signature file for you.

- When a new Bacula release is made, each ports person will indicate (I 
haven't decided exactly how) his schedule for getting out the port.

- If a ports person cannot do a particular port or can no longer do any port, 
he should notify Kern so that we can attempt to replace him.

For your information, here is the current list of packagers.  I request each 
of them as well as anyone who is interested to send a note to this list to 
let us know what you think.  

 Jose Luis Tallon (Debian)
 Scott Barninger  (RPMS)
 Lars Koeller     (FreeBSD)
 Keith Conger     (MacOSX)
 Thomas Cameron   (Gentoo)
 Luca Berra       (Mandrivia)
 Eamon Brosnan    (MacOSX)
 Geert Hendrickx  (NetBSD)

I am interested in hearing your feedback on these ideas and refining them.

Best regards,


PS: Throughout this email, I used the word "ports" and ports persons.  I think 
in the future, a better terminology is packages and packagers.

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