
I'm a bit surprised because I have not seen any comments on this proposal. Am 
I missing something?  It sounds like a nice feature to me.

I'm copying the users list as well as perhaps they have something to say about 

On Friday 31 March 2006 03:27, Kraft, Mike wrote:
> Hi,
> Pursuant to a brief discussion I had last week with Mr. Sibbald, please
> find attached some diffs showing the implementation of a 'numDaysAgo'
> CGI query parameter to allow users to see results in Bacula-Web from
> previous days, not just the last 24 hours. Our implementation (and the
> attached diffs) is based on the 1.38.0 Bacula-Web codebase. A screenshot
> is also attached so you can see what it looks like.
> We changed the Bacula-Web status display so that it is not limited to
> listing jobs from the previous 24 hours. It can now list jobs for any 24
> hour period a specified number of days ago. Likewise, the General Report
> graph now shows bytecounts for a 48 hour period starting the specified
> number of days ago, instead of just the last 48 hours.
> index.php
> To begin with, we implemented the recognition of a CGI query parameter
> numDaysAgo for the index.php URL. For example:
> http://bacula.celcorp.com/index.php?numDaysAgo=2
> This would display jobs from 48-72 hours ago. The code in index.php to
> read the numDaysAgo parameter:
> $numDaysAgo = "0";
> if (isset($_GET['numDaysAgo'])) {
>         $numDaysAgo = $_GET['numDaysAgo'];
> }
> settype($numDaysAgo, "integer");
> $smarty->assign('num_days_ago', $numDaysAgo);
> settype($numDaysAgo, "string");
> The next step was to change the 'where' clause of the query that
> retrieves the data for the job listing to use the $numDaysAgo variable:
> where
> 86400*$numDaysAgo)
>   and
> 86400*($numDaysAgo+1))
> last_run_report.tpl
> The status section label was changed in last_run_report.tpl.
> index.tpl
> The General Report graph is created when index.tpl calls stats.php to
> ask it to return the image for the graph. stats.php in turn uses code in
> classes.inc to create that image. So we needed to propagate the
> numDaysAgo value all the way down this chain. Recall that we created a
> template variable num_days_ago in index.php; this is available for use
> in index.tpl, so we add it to the URL for calling stats.php:
> <img src=stats.php?server={$server}&tipo_dato=69&title={t}
> General%20report{/t}&modo_graph=bars&sizex=420&
> sizey=250&MBottom=20&legend=1&numDaysAgo={$num_days_ago}>
> stats.php
> In stats.php, we now need to read that parameter:
> if (isset($_GET['numDaysAgo'])) {
>     $graph->numDaysAgo = $_GET['numDaysAgo'];
> }
> classes.inc
> $graph is an object of type BCreateGraph found in classes.inc. Of
> course, it had no member variable numDaysAgo, so we had to add it:
> class BCreateGraph extends BGraph {
>         var $BD_bacula;
>         var $izquierda;
>         var $derecha;
>         var $StartDate;
>         var $EndDate;
>         var $elapsed; // Default elapsed time to show complex graphs
>         var $numDaysAgo;
>         function BCreateGraph() {
>                 $this->StartDate = "1900-01-01";
>                 $this->EndDate = "4000-01-01";
>                 $this->elapsed = "86400"; // 24 hours in seconds.
>                 $this->numDaysAgo = "0";
>          }
> Finally, we used BCreateGraph.numDaysAgo in the same way as we did in
> index.php, in the 'where' clause of the queries to get the data for the
> graph:
> where
> $this->elapsed*$this->numDaysAgo)
>   and
> $this->elapsed*($this->numDaysAgo+1))
> Misc
> Please note that, while we did implement the changes for the Postgres as
> well as the MySQL versions of the queries, the Postgres versions have
> not been tested...
> We were too lazy   ;^)   to implement a form field for users to submit
> numDaysAgo values; we just use the browser URL field. Obviously, anyone
> could add such a form at anytime.
> I was pretty much learning PHP as I went, so please accept my apologies
> if I violated any common PHP coding conventions...
> So let me know what you think!
> Sincerely,
> Michael Kraft
> Software Project Manager,
> Celcorp
> www.celcorp.com

Best regards,



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