On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, John Kodis wrote:

On a somewhat related note, I'm not clear on how the tape selection
algorithm is altered when an autochanger is available.  For example,
if there are two equally eligible volumes available, only one of which
is in the autochanger, would this volume be preferred?


I'm also unclear on whether Bacula currently tracks which volumes are
in an autochanger.  Right now, I have two volumes that are both
recorded in the database as "InChanger = 1" and "Slot = 4", but it's
not obvious which tape is actually in the changer.

"Update slots" does this.

1.36 didn't update records to show a tape wasn't in the changer, but 1.38 is supposed to have sorted this out.

The problem you have probably encountered is that if inchanger=1, bacula can decide to use a particular tape and then get upset when it's not actually there.

For 1.36 I ended up using SQL to set all media inchanger=0 before rerunning update slots - hopefully when I update to new hardware(*) and 1.38 in a few days this will no longer be necessary.

(*)A dedicated bacula server with direct fibre attachment to the library, instead of the current shared/SAN arrangement. I've been holding off software updates on the old hardware because this has been coming....


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