Doh! I have to admit a failure to test this particular query.
I've used the technique on other queries tho and just applied it to this
I completely missed the reference to the filename field being binary too
- too much work, not enough time!
My bad! Sorry!
Cedric Tefft wrote:
Troy Daniels wrote:
Under MySQL you can use the LCASE() (Or UCASE if you prefer) function
to do something like:
SELECT DISTINCT Job.JobId as JobId, Client.Name as Client,
FROM Client,Job,File,Filename,Path WHERE Client.ClientId=Job.ClientId
AND JobStatus='T' AND Job.JobId=File.JobId
AND Path.PathId=File.PathId AND Filename.FilenameId=File.FilenameId
AND LCASE(Filename.Name)='filenameinlowercase.doc'
ORDER BY Job.StartTime LIMIT 20;
Have you actually tried this? It didn't work for me. I suspect this is
because LCASE is designed to operate on text fields and, as Mark pointed
out, the Name field is defined as a binary object.
- Cedric
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