I found the old sources and RPM's here:
But, alas, nothing for CentOS. I downloaded bacula-1.36.3.tar.gz and built
against that.
The odd thing about the Spec file is that it wants, as one of its sources,
Release_Notes-1.36.1-1.tar.gz. I just tar/gzip'ed a release notes file and
it seemed to be happy.
I ran this specfile with:
rpmbuild -bb --define "build_centos4 1" --define "build_mysql 1" bacula.spec
and all seemed to go well. Like I said, I had to comment out all the
references to building the docs, but when I did that, the RPMs built great.
Hope that helps.
j----- k-----
Joshua Kugler PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu/
CDE System Administrator ID 0xDB26D7CE
I just wanted to update the list in case someone else found this
useful. Joshua's spec file worked well. In addition to the changes
he made to the spec file, I had to extract the contents of the bacula
tar file in the SOURCES directory and change the location of the
mysqlclient libs in the configure script like this:
sed -i 's/lib\/mysql/lib64\/mysql/g' configure
I then tar'ed the sources again and ran the rpmbuild command.
After that, it was smooth sailing.
Thanks again, Joshua!
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