I'm trying to get bacula to backup some SGI machines running Irix 6.5 (64 bit).

The bacula-fd executable compiles and runs, and communication between the 
bacula-dir and fd client is successful. However, the filesystem type isn't 

--------------- from the bconsole ------------------------------
The defined Job resources are:
     1: BackupCatalog
     2: RestoreFiles
     3: parthenon
     4: delphi
     5: braid2
     6: cbic
     7: rodos
     8: athens
     9: athena1
    10: athena2
    11: athena3
Select Job resource (1-11): 9
Connecting to Client athena1-fd at athena1:9102
find_one.c:168 Top level directory "/" has an unlisted fstype
2000 OK estimate files=0 bytes=0

The Irix machine (athena1) is using xfs for the local filesystems:

athena1% df -hl
Filesystem             Type  Size   use  avail  %use  Mounted on
/dev/root               xfs   13G   11G   2.6G   81%  /
/dev/dsk/dks0d2s7       xfs  137G   93G    44G   68%  /d2
/dev/dsk/dks6d2s7       xfs   68G   40G    28G   59%  /d4
/dev/dsk/dks6d1s7       xfs   68G   68G   740M   99%  /d3
/dev/dsk/50060160b0205b22/lun0vol/c4p1f80000000     xfs 1000G  182G   818G   
19%  /san1

I'm trying to backup all local partitions (excluding things like /proc). The 
following bacula-dir configuration works fine for Linux and Solaris clients 
with ext3 and ufs filesystems, but fails on my Irix clients with xfs:

------------  bacula-dir.conf subset  -----------------------------------
# List of files to be backed up
  Name = "Full Set"
      fstype = ext2
      fstype = xfs
      fstype = ufs
      onefs = no
      signature = MD5

      Exclude = yes
        wildFile = "/proc"
        wildFile = "/sys"
        wildFile = "swapfile*"
        wildFile = "swap*.*gb"
        wildFile = "*.o"
        wildDir = "/var/cache/*"
        wildDir = "/var/run/*"
        wildDir = "/var/spool/clientmqueue/*"
        wildDir = "/lost+found/*"
        wildDir = "*/comp_space/*"
    File = /

  # Exclude Stuff
        File = /var/tmp/
        File = /var/spool/bacula/
        File = /proc/
        File = /tmp/
        File = /.journal
        File = /.fsck
        File = "core"

Is there any way to debug the client-side mechanism that bacula-fd uses to 
determine the fstype?



Mark Bergman                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator
Section of Biomedical Image Analysis             215-662-7310
Department of Radiology,           University of Pennsylvania


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