Hi All!

I have purged all jobs for volume MondayTape1 from my database and 
deleted the volume form the pool that it was originally in.  now I want 
to add it into a new pool that I have created but I get this error:

Automatically selected Storage: Autochanger
Enter new Volume name: MondayTape1
Enter slot (0 or Enter for none): 3
Defined Pools:
      1: Default
      2: monthly-tape
      3: weekly-tape
      4: daily-tape
      5: Monday
      6: Tuesday
      7: Wednesday
      8: Thursday
Select the Pool (1-8): 5
Connecting to Storage daemon Autochanger at domkey.example.com.au:9103 
Sending label command for Volume "MondayTape1" Slot 3 ...
3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded drive 0" command.
3302 Autochanger "loaded drive 0", result is Slot 3.
3920 Cannot label Volume because it is already labeled: "MondayTape1"
Label command failed for Volume MondayTape1.
Do not forget to mount the drive!!!

How do i just add this voLume to another pool?

Thanks, Veronica

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