Choose item to purge (1-3): 3
Defined Pools:
Select the Pool (1-8): 4
No results to list.
Enter MediaId or Volume name: localnet-0001
sql_get.c:910 Media record for Volume "localnet-0001" not found.
*list pools
| PoolId | Name             | NumVols | MaxVols | PoolType |  
LabelFormat |
|      4 | localnet_Pool    |       0 |      30 | Backup   |  
localnet-   |
|      5 | clients_Pool     |       0 |      30 | Backup   |  
clients-    |
|      6 | svcolo_Daily     |      25 |      30 | Backup   |  
Daily-      |
|      7 | svcolo_Monthly   |       0 |       4 | Backup   |  
Monthly-    |
|      8 | svcolo_Quarterly |       1 |       4 | Backup   |  
quarterly-  |

Okay, this is confusing.  Every night dozens of clients in the  
localnet and client pools get backed up.  Each night we get the first  
report with something like this:

24-Jul 22:05 backup0-dir: Start Backup JobId 51, Job=w7localnet. 
24-Jul 22:05 backup0-dir: Max configured use duration exceeded.  
Marking Volume "localnet-0017" as Used.
24-Jul 22:05 backup0-dir: Created new Volume "localnet-0018" in catalog.
24-Jul 22:05 backup0-sd: Labeled new Volume "localnet-0018" on device  
"Dev_localnet" (/bacula/localnet).
24-Jul 22:05 backup0-sd: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume  
"localnet-0018" on device "Dev_localnet" (/bacula/localnet)

So it's handling the volumes correctly.  But it's not keeping them in  
the catalog?  What is failing here?

Pool {
         Name = localnet_Pool
         Pool Type = Backup
         Recycle = yes                   # Bacula can automatically  
recycle Volumes
         Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
         AutoPrune = yes                 # Prune expired volumes
         Volume Retention = 30 days      # one year
         Volume Use Duration = 24h
         Accept Any Volume = yes         # write on any volume in the  
         LabelFormat = "localnet-"
         Maximum Volumes = 30
Pool {
         Name = clients_Pool
         Pool Type = Backup
         Recycle = yes                   # Bacula can automatically  
recycle Volumes
         Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
         AutoPrune = yes                 # Prune expired volumes
         Volume Retention = 30 days      # one year
         Volume Use Duration = 24h
         Accept Any Volume = yes         # write on any volume in the  
         LabelFormat = "clients-"
         Maximum Volumes = 30

Catalog {
         Name = localnetCatalog
         dbname = bacula_localnet;
         user = bacula_localnet;
         password = "*********";
Catalog {
         Name = clientsCatalog
         dbname = bacula_clients;
         user = bacula_clients;
         password = "*********";

JobDefs {
         Name = "localnet_Job"
         Type = Backup
         Level = Incremental
         Client = backup0-fd
         FileSet = "freebsd-root-var-d"
         Schedule = "clientWeeklyFull"
         Storage = Disk_localnet
         Pool = localnet_Pool
         Messages = Standard
         Priority = 10

JobDefs {
         Name = "clients_Job"
         Type = Backup
         Level = Incremental
         Client = backup0-fd
         FileSet = "unix-root-only"
         Schedule = "clientWeeklyFull"
         Storage = Disk_clients
         Pool = clients_Pool
         Messages = Standard
         Priority = 10

The individual jobs have no specifics -- only the host and client  
info.  Sometimes overriding the fileset on a per-host basis.  But  
whatever is wrong is happening for all hosts in both Pools so it's  
clearly somewhere in the above, but I'm not certain.

Jo Rhett
senior geek
Silicon Valley Colocation

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