Hash: SHA1

What I do is AlwaysOpen = no, AutomaticMount = yes. I think this does
what you're looking for.

Sarath Jayewardena wrote:
> To demonstrate the problem with manual ejection of tape, this is what
> I did:
>   - start with a fresh database
>   - start bconsole
>   - add a volume to the Default pool
>   - run two backup jobs
>   - quit bconsole
>   - * manually eject tape without unmounting
>   - * re-insert tape
>   - start bconsole
>   - without unmounting/mounting try to run a job (fails)
>   - do an unmount/mount
>   - try to run a job (fails)
> The transcript of the session is attached to the end of this mail.
> Actually, I tried out a couple of variations. In some cases, bacula
> seemed to be able to run jobs after re-inserting the tape. It would
> even list them as completed jobs. But then, when I tried to restore,
> it had problems accessing the tape. These are the dangers I am
> afraid of. Are there any rescue methods in such cases? Again thank
> you very much for the help.
> - Sarath
> On Thu, 21 Sep 2006, Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> On Thursday 21 September 2006 19:08, Sarath Jayewardena wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am experimenting to see whether bacula would be a good system for me to
>>> backup our department's servers. I am running bacula director and storage
>>> daemon on a Debian (sarge) machine which has a scsi DLT tape drive
>>> attached to it. The version of bacula is 1.36.2. It looks promising,
>>> except for one annoying, and in my view, serious problem:
>>> The tape drive allows me to eject the tape by pressing an 'unload'
>>> button. However, afterwards, when I re-insert the tape, bacula cannot read
>>> it, so all the backup data is useless. (Of course, if I have 'unmounted'
>>> the tape from within bconsole before  ejecting, bacula has no problem
>>> accessing the data afterwards.) The question is, is there any way to make
>>> bacula accept the tape if the tape was accidientally, 'improperly'
>>> ejected?
>> As long as Bacula is not writing on the tape at the moment you ejected the 
>> tape, the data is fine and can be read by Bacula.  
>> However, when you eject a tape without unmounting the storage device first, 
>> Bacula will not know or except that you have changed the tape until you 
>> unmount and re-mount the storage device.
>>> I have browsed the mailing list archive and seen the advice that I could
>>> use AlwaysOpen = no and OfflineOnUnmount = yes to guarantee that
>>> bacula unmounts the tape after each backup. But the advice comes with
>>> the warning that for each backup bacula will be rewinding and
>>> re-positioning the tape consuming a lot of time, so leaving the default
>>> behaviour is really preferred.
>>> If someone knows that this problem does not exist in newer versions of
>>> bacula, I could upgrade to the version (1.38.11) in the Debian testing
>>> distribution.
>>> I would greatly appreciate any help regarding this. Thanks.
>>> - Sarath
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
>>> Join SourceForge.net's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your
>>> opinions on IT & business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash
>>> http://www.techsay.com/default.php?page=join.php&p=sourceforge&CID=DEVDEV
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Bacula-users mailing list
>>> Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bacula-users
> ===========================================================
> Transcript of the session follows:
> Script started on Fri Sep 22 10:48:09 2006
> csci485b:~# bconsole
> Connecting to Director csci485b:9101
> 1000 OK: csci485b-dir Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005)
> Enter a period to cancel a command.
> *stat dir
> Using default Catalog name=MyCatalog DB=bacula
> csci485b-dir Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005) alpha-unknown-linux-gnu 
> debian 3.1
> Daemon started 22-Sep-06 10:48, 0 Jobs run since started.
> Scheduled Jobs:
> Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
> ===================================================================================
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCI485bFiles      *unknown*
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCI251Files       *unknown*
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCIfaiFiles       *unknown*
> Full           Backup    11  23-Sep-06 01:10    BackupCatalog      *unknown*
> ====
> Running Jobs:
> No Jobs running.
> ====
> No Terminated Jobs.
> ====
> *stat sto
> Automatically selected Storage: DLTDrive
> Connecting to Storage daemon DLTDrive at csci485b:9103
> csci485b-sd Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005) alpha-unknown-linux-gnu debian 
> 3.1
> Daemon started 22-Sep-06 10:48, 0 Jobs run since started.
> Running Jobs:
> No Jobs running.
> ====
> No Terminated Jobs.
> Device status:
> Device "/dev/nst0" is mounted with Volume "NetBackupVol0001"
>     Total Bytes Read=0 Blocks Read=0 Bytes/block=0
>     Positioned at File=0 Block=0
> *list media
> Pool: Default
> No results to list.
> *add
> You probably don't want to be using this command since it
> creates database records without labeling the Volumes.
> You probably want to use the "label" command.
> Automatically selected Pool: Default
> Automatically selected Storage: DLTDrive
> Enter number of Volumes to create. 0=>fixed name. Max=1000: 1
> Enter base volume name: NetBackupVol
> Enter the starting number: 1
> 1 Volumes created in pool Default
> *list media
> Pool: Default
> +---------+------------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+-------------+
> | MediaId | VolumeName       | VolStatus | VolBytes | VolFiles | VolRetention 
> | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten |
> +---------+------------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+-------------+
> | 1       | NetBackupVol0001 | Append    | 0        | 0        | 31536000     
> | 1       | 0    | 0         | DLT       | 0           |
> +---------+------------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+-------------+
> *run
> A job name must be specified.
> The defined Job resources are:
>      1: CSCI485bFiles
>      2: CSCI251Files
>      3: CSCIfaiFiles
>      4: BackupCatalog
>      5: RestoreFiles
> Select Job resource (1-5): 1
> Run Backup job
> JobName:  CSCI485bFiles
> FileSet:  Full Set
> Level:    Incremental
> Client:   csci485b-fd
> Storage:  DLTDrive
> Pool:     Default
> When:     2006-09-22 10:49:38
> Priority: 10
> OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
> Job started. JobId=1
> *
> You have messages.
> *mess
> 22-Sep 10:49 csci485b-dir: Created new FileSet record "Full Set" 2006-09-22 
> 10:49:42
> 22-Sep 10:49 csci485b-dir: No prior Full backup Job record found.
> 22-Sep 10:49 csci485b-dir: No prior or suitable Full backup found. Doing FULL 
> backup.
> 22-Sep 10:49 csci485b-dir: Start Backup JobId 1, 
> Job=CSCI485bFiles.2006-09-22_10.49.40
> 22-Sep 10:49 csci485b-sd: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "NetBackupVol0001" 
> on device "/dev/nst0"
> 22-Sep 10:49 csci485b-dir: Bacula 1.36.2 (28Feb05): 22-Sep-2006 10:49:48
>   JobId:                  1
>   Job:                    CSCI485bFiles.2006-09-22_10.49.40
>   Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Incremental)
>   Client:                 csci485b-fd
>   FileSet:                "Full Set" 2006-09-22 10:49:42
>   Pool:                   "Default"
>   Storage:                "DLTDrive"
>   Start time:             22-Sep-2006 10:49:42
>   End time:               22-Sep-2006 10:49:48
>   FD Files Written:       974
>   SD Files Written:       974
>   FD Bytes Written:       1,739,550
>   SD Bytes Written:       1,840,000
>   Rate:                   289.9 KB/s
>   Software Compression:   None
>   Volume name(s):         NetBackupVol0001
>   Volume Session Id:      1
>   Volume Session Time:    1158947281
>   Last Volume Bytes:      1,866,397
>   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
>   SD Errors:              0
>   FD termination status:  OK
>   SD termination status:  OK
>   Termination:            Backup OK
> 22-Sep 10:49 csci485b-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.
> 22-Sep 10:49 csci485b-dir: No Jobs found to prune.
> 22-Sep 10:49 csci485b-dir: Begin pruning Files.
> 22-Sep 10:49 csci485b-dir: No Files found to prune.
> 22-Sep 10:49 csci485b-dir: End auto prune.
> *stat dir
> csci485b-dir Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005) alpha-unknown-linux-gnu 
> debian 3.1
> Daemon started 22-Sep-06 10:48, 1 Job run since started.
> Scheduled Jobs:
> Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
> ===================================================================================
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCI485bFiles      
> NetBackupVol0001
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCI251Files       
> NetBackupVol0001
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCIfaiFiles       
> NetBackupVol0001
> Full           Backup    11  23-Sep-06 01:10    BackupCatalog      
> NetBackupVol0001
> ====
> Running Jobs:
> No Jobs running.
> ====
> Terminated Jobs:
>  JobId  Level     Files      Bytes     Status   Finished        Name 
> ========================================================================
>      1  Full        974      1,739,550 OK       22-Sep-06 10:49 CSCI485bFiles
> ====
> *stat storage
> Automatically selected Storage: DLTDrive
> Connecting to Storage daemon DLTDrive at csci485b:9103
> csci485b-sd Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005) alpha-unknown-linux-gnu debian 
> 3.1
> Daemon started 22-Sep-06 10:48, 1 Job run since started.
> Running Jobs:
> No Jobs running.
> ====
> Terminated Jobs:
>  JobId  Level   Files          Bytes Status   Finished        Name 
> ======================================================================
>      1  Full        974      1,840,000 OK       22-Sep-06 10:49 CSCI485bFiles
> ====
> Device status:
> Device "/dev/nst0" is mounted with Volume "NetBackupVol0001"
>     Total Bytes=1,866,397 Blocks=29 Bytes/block=64,358
>     Positioned at File=1 Block=0
> *run
> A job name must be specified.
> The defined Job resources are:
>      1: CSCI485bFiles
>      2: CSCI251Files
>      3: CSCIfaiFiles
>      4: BackupCatalog
>      5: RestoreFiles
> Select Job resource (1-5): 2
> Run Backup job
> JobName:  CSCI251Files
> FileSet:  Full Set
> Level:    Incremental
> Client:   csci251-fd
> Storage:  DLTDrive
> Pool:     Default
> When:     2006-09-22 10:50:46
> Priority: 10
> OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
> Job started. JobId=2
> *
> You have messages.
> *mess
> 22-Sep 10:50 csci485b-dir: No prior Full backup Job record found.
> 22-Sep 10:50 csci485b-dir: No prior or suitable Full backup found. Doing FULL 
> backup.
> 22-Sep 10:50 csci485b-dir: Start Backup JobId 2, 
> Job=CSCI251Files.2006-09-22_10.50.48
> 22-Sep 10:50 csci485b-dir: Bacula 1.36.2 (28Feb05): 22-Sep-2006 10:50:56
>   JobId:                  2
>   Job:                    CSCI251Files.2006-09-22_10.50.48
>   Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Incremental)
>   Client:                 csci251-fd
>   FileSet:                "Full Set" 2006-09-22 10:49:42
>   Pool:                   "Default"
>   Storage:                "DLTDrive"
>   Start time:             22-Sep-2006 10:50:50
>   End time:               22-Sep-2006 10:50:56
>   FD Files Written:       1,009
>   SD Files Written:       1,009
>   FD Bytes Written:       1,380,871
>   SD Bytes Written:       1,485,410
>   Rate:                   230.1 KB/s
>   Software Compression:   None
>   Volume name(s):         NetBackupVol0001
>   Volume Session Id:      2
>   Volume Session Time:    1158947281
>   Last Volume Bytes:      3,379,193
>   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
>   SD Errors:              0
>   FD termination status:  OK
>   SD termination status:  OK
>   Termination:            Backup OK
> 22-Sep 10:50 csci485b-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.
> 22-Sep 10:50 csci485b-dir: No Jobs found to prune.
> 22-Sep 10:50 csci485b-dir: Begin pruning Files.
> 22-Sep 10:50 csci485b-dir: No Files found to prune.
> 22-Sep 10:50 csci485b-dir: End auto prune.
> *stat dir
> csci485b-dir Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005) alpha-unknown-linux-gnu 
> debian 3.1
> Daemon started 22-Sep-06 10:48, 2 Jobs run since started.
> Scheduled Jobs:
> Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
> ===================================================================================
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCI485bFiles      
> NetBackupVol0001
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCI251Files       
> NetBackupVol0001
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCIfaiFiles       
> NetBackupVol0001
> Full           Backup    11  23-Sep-06 01:10    BackupCatalog      
> NetBackupVol0001
> ====
> Running Jobs:
> No Jobs running.
> ====
> Terminated Jobs:
>  JobId  Level     Files      Bytes     Status   Finished        Name 
> ========================================================================
>      1  Full        974      1,739,550 OK       22-Sep-06 10:49 CSCI485bFiles
>      2  Full      1,009      1,380,871 OK       22-Sep-06 10:50 CSCI251Files
> ====
> *quit
> csci485b:~# exit
> Script done on Fri Sep 22 10:51:33 2006
>    ***** At this point I am manually ejecting and 
>    ***** re-inserting the  tape
> Script started on Fri Sep 22 11:11:49 2006
> csci485b:~# bconsole
> Connecting to Director csci485b:9101
> 1000 OK: csci485b-dir Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005)
> Enter a period to cancel a command.
> *stat dir
> Using default Catalog name=MyCatalog DB=bacula
> csci485b-dir Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005) alpha-unknown-linux-gnu 
> debian 3.1
> Daemon started 22-Sep-06 10:48, 3 Jobs run since started.
> Scheduled Jobs:
> Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
> ===================================================================================
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCI485bFiles      
> NetBackupVol0001
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCI251Files       
> NetBackupVol0001
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCIfaiFiles       
> NetBackupVol0001
> Full           Backup    11  23-Sep-06 01:10    BackupCatalog      
> NetBackupVol0001
> ====
> Running Jobs:
> No Jobs running.
> ====
> Terminated Jobs:
>  JobId  Level     Files      Bytes     Status   Finished        Name 
> ========================================================================
>      1  Full        974      1,739,550 OK       22-Sep-06 10:49 CSCI485bFiles
>      2  Full      1,009      1,380,871 OK       22-Sep-06 10:50 CSCI251Files
> ====
> *stat storage
> Automatically selected Storage: DLTDrive
> Connecting to Storage daemon DLTDrive at csci485b:9103
> csci485b-sd Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005) alpha-unknown-linux-gnu debian 
> 3.1
> Daemon started 22-Sep-06 10:48, 2 Jobs run since started.
> Running Jobs:
> No Jobs running.
> ====
> Terminated Jobs:
>  JobId  Level   Files          Bytes Status   Finished        Name 
> ======================================================================
>      1  Full        974      1,840,000 OK       22-Sep-06 10:49 CSCI485bFiles
>      2  Full      1,009      1,485,410 OK       22-Sep-06 10:50 CSCI251Files
> ====
> Device status:
> Device "/dev/nst0" is mounted with Volume "NetBackupVol0001"
>     Total Bytes=3,379,193 Blocks=53 Bytes/block=63,758
>     Positioned at File=2 Block=0
> *run
> A job name must be specified.
> The defined Job resources are:
>      1: CSCI485bFiles
>      2: CSCI251Files
>      3: CSCIfaiFiles
>      4: BackupCatalog
>      5: RestoreFiles
> Select Job resource (1-5): 3
> Run Backup job
> JobName:  CSCIfaiFiles
> FileSet:  Full Set
> Level:    Incremental
> Client:   cscifai-fd
> Storage:  DLTDrive
> Pool:     Default
> When:     2006-09-22 11:14:34
> Priority: 10
> OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
> Job started. JobId=3
> *
> You have messages.
> *mess
> 22-Sep 11:14 csci485b-dir: No prior Full backup Job record found.
> 22-Sep 11:14 csci485b-dir: No prior or suitable Full backup found. Doing FULL 
> backup.
> 22-Sep 11:14 csci485b-dir: Start Backup JobId 3, 
> Job=CSCIfaiFiles.2006-09-22_11.14.37
> 22-Sep 11:14 csci485b-sd: CSCIfaiFiles.2006-09-22_11.14.37 Error: block.c:552 
> Write error at 2:1 on device /dev/nst0. ERR=Input/output error.
> 22-Sep 11:14 csci485b-sd: CSCIfaiFiles.2006-09-22_11.14.37 Error: Backspace 
> record at EOT failed. ERR=Input/output error
> 22-Sep 11:14 csci485b-sd: End of medium on Volume "NetBackupVol0001" 
> Bytes=3,443,705 Blocks=54 at 22-Sep-2006 11:14.
> 22-Sep 11:14 csci485b-sd: Job CSCIfaiFiles.2006-09-22_11.14.37 waiting. 
> Cannot find any appendable volumes.
> Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:
>     Storage:      DLT
>     Media type:   DLT
>     Pool:         Default
> *umount
> Automatically selected Storage: DLTDrive
> 3001 Device "/dev/nst0" unmounted.
> *mount
> Automatically selected Storage: DLTDrive
> 3905 Device /dev/nst0 open but no Bacula volume is mounted.
> If this is not a blank tape, try unmounting and remounting the Volume.
> *stat dir
> csci485b-dir Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005) alpha-unknown-linux-gnu 
> debian 3.1
> Daemon started 22-Sep-06 10:48, 3 Jobs run since started.
> Scheduled Jobs:
> Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
> ===================================================================================
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCI485bFiles      *unknown*
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCI251Files       *unknown*
> Incremental    Backup    10  23-Sep-06 01:05    CSCIfaiFiles       *unknown*
> Full           Backup    11  23-Sep-06 01:10    BackupCatalog      *unknown*
> ====
> Running Jobs:
>  JobId Level   Name                       Status
> ======================================================================
>      3 Full    CSCIfaiFiles.2006-09-22_11.14.37 is waiting for an appendable 
> Volume
> ====
> Terminated Jobs:
>  JobId  Level     Files      Bytes     Status   Finished        Name 
> ========================================================================
>      1  Full        974      1,739,550 OK       22-Sep-06 10:49 CSCI485bFiles
>      2  Full      1,009      1,380,871 OK       22-Sep-06 10:50 CSCI251Files
> ====
> *stat stoerrage
> Automatically selected Storage: DLTDrive
> Connecting to Storage daemon DLTDrive at csci485b:9103
> csci485b-sd Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005) alpha-unknown-linux-gnu debian 
> 3.1
> Daemon started 22-Sep-06 10:48, 2 Jobs run since started.
> Running Jobs:
> Full Backup job CSCIfaiFiles JobId=3 Volume="" device="/dev/nst0"
>     Files=55 Bytes=122,017 Bytes/sec=1,099
>     FDReadSeqNo=434 in_msg=293 out_msg=5 fd=8
> ====
> Terminated Jobs:
>  JobId  Level   Files          Bytes Status   Finished        Name 
> ======================================================================
>      1  Full        974      1,840,000 OK       22-Sep-06 10:49 CSCI485bFiles
>      2  Full      1,009      1,485,410 OK       22-Sep-06 10:50 CSCI251Files
> ====
> Device status:
> Device "/dev/nst0" open but no Bacula volume is mounted.
>     Device is BLOCKED waiting for appendable media.
>     Total Bytes Read=0 Blocks Read=0 Bytes/block=0
>     Positioned at File=0 Block=0
> *umount
> Automatically selected Storage: DLTDrive
> 3001 Device "/dev/nst0" unmounted.
> *mount
> Automatically selected Storage: DLTDrive
> 3905 Device /dev/nst0 open but no Bacula volume is mounted.
> If this is not a blank tape, try unmounting and remounting the Volume.
> *stat sto
> Automatically selected Storage: DLTDrive
> Connecting to Storage daemon DLTDrive at csci485b:9103
> csci485b-sd Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005) alpha-unknown-linux-gnu debian 
> 3.1
> Daemon started 22-Sep-06 10:48, 2 Jobs run since started.
> Running Jobs:
> Full Backup job CSCIfaiFiles JobId=3 Volume="" device="/dev/nst0"
>     Files=55 Bytes=122,017 Bytes/sec=890
>     FDReadSeqNo=434 in_msg=293 out_msg=5 fd=8
> ====
> Terminated Jobs:
>  JobId  Level   Files          Bytes Status   Finished        Name 
> ======================================================================
>      1  Full        974      1,840,000 OK       22-Sep-06 10:49 CSCI485bFiles
>      2  Full      1,009      1,485,410 OK       22-Sep-06 10:50 CSCI251Files
> ====
> Device status:
> Device "/dev/nst0" open but no Bacula volume is mounted.
>     Device is BLOCKED waiting for appendable media.
>     Total Bytes Read=0 Blocks Read=0 Bytes/block=0
>     Positioned at File=0 Block=0
> *quit
> csci485b:~# exit
> Script done on Fri Sep 22 11:17:03 2006
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
> Join SourceForge.net's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your
> opinions on IT & business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash
> http://www.techsay.com/default.php?page=join.php&p=sourceforge&CID=DEVDEV
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Bacula-users mailing list
> Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bacula-users

- --
 ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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