Hi again!

I did some new performance-tests:

All operations are against a directory-tree with 7,255,659,224 bytes
data in 98,025 files.

                                | test1 | test2 | test3 |
bacula-fd, no compression, md5: | 10:25 | 10:42 | 10:15 |
bacula-fd, GZIP, md5:           | 16:09 | 15:46 | 17:02 |
tar, local (1):                 |  8:37 |  8:53 |  8:54 |
tar + nc (2):                   |  9:48 |  9:52 |  9:43 |
tar + gzip + nc (3):            | 14:11 | 14:26 | 15:03 |

(1) time /bin/sh -c "tar cf - directory | cat >/dev/null"
(2) time /bin/sh -c "tar cf - directory | nc -q 0 backup_server 4711"
(3) time /bin/sh -c "tar czf - directory | nc -q 0 backup_server 4711"

This round of tests is more in line with what I expected, and the
bacula performance is quite good. The only major difference compared
to my previous tests is that the file-server disc-performance is much
better. It seems like bacula suffers much more than tar from slow
disc-performance on the file-server. backup-server and network
performance don't seem to be an issue at all in the tests, even if
write to TCP is a bit slower than /dev/null.

However, both tar and bacula suffers from quite large slow-down when
gzip is used. This is on an Athlon 64 X2 3800+ (2-core), running
>50% idle during backup, leading me to believe that there are room for
improvement. But part of the problem might be in the linux-kernel
( At least when tar was running, the gzip process seemed to
move from one CPU-core to the other very frequently.

Anyway the performance of bacula is good enough for us at the
moment. I can share one experience with you regarding

Both our two Seagate ST3500641AS discs (500Gb Barracuda 7200.9, SATA)
never completes the SMART extended self-test. It worked fine for ~6
months, and now both run forever. The drives report 30% remaining
of the self-test, then ~2 hours later 10% remaining. After that it
goes up to 40% remaining and the cycle repeats. Also when running the
SMART extended self-test, the IO-performance is more than 10 times
lower than normal (leading to very long backup-time).

We have been in contact with Seagate about this, and have upgraded to
the latest firmware, without any success. So I guess we will have to
RMA the discs.

/ Anders

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