Can someone please help me? If I understood correctly that if you use the Volume Use Duration directive the volume status will be changed to used after the specified time parameter but as you can see my Bacula is not doing it.



| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus        | VolBytes        | VolFiles | VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten         |


|       1 | 000001L3   | Append                   | 279,046,895,474 |      283 |      518,400 |       1 |    1 |         1 | LTO3      | 2006-10-17 17:12:28 |

|       2 | 000002L3   | Full                        | 435,445,422,908 |      445 |      518,400 |       1 |    2 |         0 | LTO3      | 2006-10-13 12:00:02 |

|       3 | 000003L3   | Used                      | 441,597,354,449 |      450 |      518,400 |       1 |    3 |         0 | LTO3      | 2006-10-14 02:19:11 |

|       4 | 000004L3   | Full                        | 434,889,664,717 |      444 |      518,400 |       1 |    4 |         0 | LTO3      | 2006-10-17 12:00:02 |

|       5 | 000005L3   | Purged                   | 471,410,554,157 |      480 |      518,400 |       1 |    7 |         0 | LTO3      | 2006-10-07 08:04:17 |

|       6 | 000006L3   | Purged                   | 429,702,759,026 |      439 |      518,400 |       1 |    5 |         0 | LTO3      | 2006-10-10 21:00:05 |

|       7 | 000007L3   | Append                  | 437,022,761,665 |      446 |      518,400 |       1 |    6 |         0 | LTO3      | 2006-10-11 06:30:10 |

|       8 | 000008L3   | Full                        | 429,469,638,207 |      439 |      518,400 |       1 |    5 |         0 | LTO3      | 2006-10-12 12:00:02 |



In my bacula-dir.conf I’ve got the following:

Pool {

  Name = Daily

  Pool Type = Backup

  Volume Retention = 6 days

  Volume Use Duration = 23 hours

  Recycle = yes

  AutoPrune = yes

  Recycle Oldest Volume = yes

  Accept Any Volume = yes


Reason I have the Volume Use Duration = 23 hours is because we have an Auto Changer and I want it to write to one tape per day but there are 2 schedules:


Schedule {

  Name = "Daily"

  Run = Full mon-fri at 21:00


Schedule {

  Name = "UCSDaily"

  Run = Full mon-fri at 12:00



Now the problem is when I run the status dir in the console the output is as follows:


Scheduled Jobs:

Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume


Full           Backup     1  17-Oct-06 21:00    Fasdev             000001L3

Full           Backup     7  17-Oct-06 21:00    F700100            000001L3

Full           Backup     8  17-Oct-06 21:00    MIS02Daily         000001L3

Full           Backup     9  17-Oct-06 21:00    Ceaser             000001L3

Full           Backup    10  17-Oct-06 21:00    Maximus            000001L3

Full           Backup    11  17-Oct-06 21:00    Navision           000001L3

Full           Backup    12  17-Oct-06 21:00    Bacula             000001L3

Full           Backup    13  17-Oct-06 21:00    Mail               000001L3

Full           Backup    14  17-Oct-06 21:00    Firewall           000001L3

Full           Backup    15  17-Oct-06 21:00    Fasint             000001L3

Full           Backup     2  18-Oct-06 12:00    Fas000s            000001L3

Full           Backup     3  18-Oct-06 12:00    Fas010c            000001L3

Full           Backup     4  18-Oct-06 12:00    Fas020c            000001L3

Full           Backup     5  18-Oct-06 12:00    Fas010b            000001L3

Full           Backup     6  18-Oct-06 12:00    Fasdsa             000001L3

Full           Backup    16  18-Oct-06 12:00    Fas000u            000001L3


As you can see the 12:00 schedule ran using Volume 000001L3 and the 21:00 should also use Volume 000001L3 but shouldn’t the volume be marked as used before the next 12:00 schedule runs? Please look at the Scheduled column what I basically want is for the jobs that are scheduled for the 18th should have a different volume label and the way that I understood is that if I use the Volume Use Duration that will be my solution. Does it have something to do with my volume retention period?



Janco v.d Merwe
Network Administrator
Dunns Stores (PTY) Ltd
Switchboard: 011 541 3000
Direct: 011 541 3007
Fax: 086 632 1708


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