Martin Simmons wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, 05 Jan 2007 11:20:16 -0500, DAve  said:
>> Martin Simmons wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Tue, 02 Jan 2007 17:49:22 -0500, DAve  said:
>>>> I have a problem that may be simple. But trying to get a traceback is 
>>>> proving to be problematic. Following the directions in the manual, and 
>>>> what I could find in archives, I believe I am doing it correctly. 
>>>> However a couple issues spring up.
>>>> First, the manual states that running btraceback manually should send 
>>>> the current state of bacula and exit leaving the processes running. This 
>>>> is true if there are no jobs running.
>>>> But if jobs are running, bacula-dir goes away. Should btraceback stop 
>>>> bacula-dir?
>>>> And finally, the traceback I get when I see the problem I am trying to 
>>>> report. I get the strange feeling that I need more information to 
>>>> properly report the problem to Kern.
>>>> I am running Bacula 1.38.5
>>>> FreeBSD 5.4
>>>> Bacula installed from ports.
>>>> I have debug set to a value of 99.
>>>> I am running btraceback manually as root with the following command.
>>>> btraceback /usr/local/sbin/bacula-dir 86459
>>>> The PID is correct and  /usr/local/sbin/btraceback has been correctly 
>>>> edited.
>>>> Thanks, any assistance is appreciated.
>>> The errors "Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)" and "No
>>> stack" can mean several things, in order of likeliness:
>>> 1) the code doesn't contain sufficient debug info
>>> 2) gdb is broken or incompatible with gcc
>>> 3) gcc is broken or incompatible with gdb
>> As this is a clean install, nothing beyond Bacula is installed other 
>> than the base OS, I think 2 and 3 are not likely the problem. However 
>> I'll look into the FreeBSD archives to see if anything has been reported.
> OK, but I've had some kind of gdb breakage in almost all distros/versions of
> Linux and FreeBSD :-(
> Sometimes it is caused by kernel bugs, but often the distro just lags behind
> the latest version of gdb, probably for good reasons like stability.  It's
> getting better, but there are often problems debugging multithreaded programs
> and attaching/detaching to/from running programs, since these are less
> commonly used operations.
>>> You could try configuring and building Bacula with CFLAGS="-g" to solve 1,
>>> though there will still be issues with the system libraries.
>> I can do that, my next step was to abandon the port and build from 
>> source for that reason. What issues would this cause with system libraries?
> The problem is typically that are compiled with various optimization options
> and also never with -g.  This makes it difficult for gdb to generate
> backtraces when the program is running (or blocked) in system libraries (again
> something which is more common in multithreaded programs).
>>> If that doesn't work, then building your own gdb from the latest sources 
>>> might
>>> help with 2.  You might be able to build your own gcc too, but that's pretty
>>> drastic.
>> I have built gcc from sources before, it has never solved any problem it 
>> was advised as a solution for 8^(   That will be my last ditch effort 
>> before changing the OS.
> Agreed -- it probably won't help much.
> __Martin

OK, reading the release notes and such, and following the thread on 
upgrades, we are going to first move to 2.0 before we go any further 
with troubleshooting. We want the new features and I don't want to 
clutter the list with troubleshooting data twice.

I will look at enabling debugging in the 2.0 install and try to get the 
upgrade done by Monday. We will move forward then.

Thanks for the help.


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for other non-international holidays, but nothing for

Maybe they forgot who made that choice possible.

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