Dear All

Before posting a bug report I have noticed that if I run an incremental 
from within bconsole it is promoted to a full backup - the reason given 
is that there is no Full backup in the catalog and I know a recent one 
exists. The problem does not occur with scheduled incremental backups. 
See below snippets from emails.

I am concerned that this is due to changing hardware - the discs from 
the original system were moved to the new hardware Linux kernel modified 
to match hardware bacula rebuilt - mysql untouched.

Has anyone else seen this behaviour?

Bacula-2.0.1 with restart patch

Full Backup

17-Jan 20:00 elizabeth-dir: Start Backup JobId 8053, 
17-Jan 21:08 elizabeth-dir: Bacula 2.0.1 (12Jan07): 17-Jan-2007 21:08:03
   JobId:                  8053
   Job:                    elizabeth.2007-01-17_20.00.00
   Backup Level:           Full
   Client:                 "elizabeth" 2.0.1 (12Jan07) 
i686-pc-linux-gnu,slackware,Slackware 9.1.0
   FileSet:                "elizabeth" 2006-12-14 10:19:27
   Pool:                   "Full" (From Job FullPool override)
   Storage:                "Autochanger" (From Job resource)

Scheduled Incremental

21-Jan 19:12 elizabeth-dir: Bacula 2.0.1 (12Jan07): 21-Jan-2007 19:12:16
   JobId:                  8302
   Job:                    elizabeth.2007-01-21_19.00.00
   Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2007-01-20 19:00:02
   Client:                 "elizabeth" 2.0.1 (12Jan07) 
i686-pc-linux-gnu,slackware,Slackware 9.1.0
   FileSet:                "elizabeth" 2006-12-14 10:19:27
   Pool:                   "Inc" (From Job IncPool override)
   Storage:                "Autochanger" (From Job resource)

Incremental Promoted to Full

22-Jan 16:31 elizabeth-dir: No prior Full backup Job record found.
22-Jan 16:31 elizabeth-dir: No prior or suitable Full backup found in 
catalog. Doing FULL backup.
22-Jan 16:33 elizabeth-dir: Start Backup JobId 8353, 
22-Jan 16:33 elizabeth-sd: Spooling data ...
22-Jan 17:09 elizabeth-sd: Job write elapsed time = 00:36:24, Transfer 
rate = 4.644 M bytes/second
22-Jan 17:09 elizabeth-sd: Committing spooled data to Volume "Full-F1". 
Despooling 10,158,028,071 bytes ...
22-Jan 17:41 elizabeth-sd: Despooling elapsed time = 00:32:21, Transfer 
rate = 5.233 M bytes/second
22-Jan 17:44 elizabeth-sd: Sending spooled attrs to the Director. 
Despooling 50,490,326 bytes ...
22-Jan 17:51 elizabeth-dir: Bacula 2.0.1 (12Jan07): 22-Jan-2007 17:51:47
   JobId:                  8353
   Job:                    elizabeth.2007-01-22_16.31.45
   Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Incremental)
   Client:                 "elizabeth" 2.0.1 (12Jan07) 
i686-pc-linux-gnu,slackware,Slackware 9.1.0
   FileSet:                "elizabeth" 2007-01-22 16:31:45

Computing Support
WaterEd Pty Ltd.
Level 1, 77 Grenfell Street
South Australia, 5000

Tel +618-8236-5200
Fax +618-8236-5236


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