I need to do the same and achieve it by running two extra
jobs: The first checks that what volumes are in the tape
drives and sends an email with volume requirements. The
second checks that the requirements have been met and only
sends another email if they're not. These run early and late
in the afternoon.

# Advance warning of the tapes required in the drives, which is mailed
Job {
  Name = "AdvanceNoticeVolumes"
  Type = Admin
  Client = server-fd
  FileSet = "System"
  Messages = None
  Storage = File
  Pool = Pool00I
  Schedule = "AdvanceNoticeVolumes"
  RunAfterJob = "/opt/bacula/etc/next_volumes.pl -u -m -c server"

# A check that the required tapes are in the drives, with output mailed
# to MADUMP. If the tapes are correct no mail is sent.
Job {
  Name = "AdvanceNoticeVolumes2"
  Type = Admin
  Client = server-fd
  FileSet = "System"
  Messages = None
  Storage = File
  Pool = Pool00I
  Schedule = "AdvanceNoticeVolumes2"
  RunAfterJob = "/opt/bacula/etc/next_volumes.pl -n -m -c server -q"

Messages {
  Name = None
  mailcommand = "true"
  mail = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = all, !skipped
  console = all, !skipped, !saved
  append = "/opt/bacula/working/log" = all, !skipped

The script next_volumes.pl, does all the work. Email me if
you want a copy of my script to play with. The script works
reliably but could do with being made much more efficient.

BTW is there anywhere to put contributed Bacula scripts?

Bill Hill                w: http://www.hgu.mrc.ac.uk/Users/Bill.Hill
MRC Human Genetics Unit  e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crewe Road               t: +44-131-3322471x2130
Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK.   f: +44-131-4678456

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