
On 2/26/2007 4:32 PM, Oliver Lehmann wrote:
> Hi,
> my volumes are limited.

Always a bad thing...

> I want to force bacula to do the scheduled type
> of backup (incr, diff, full) and nothing different.

That should happen anyway, with one important exception:
When there's no full backup left, Bacula will run one instead of what 
you scheduled. The Rerun failed levels setting can lead to multiple 
attempts to do backups of a higher level after a job failed, but you'd 
know this because you have to set this up explicitly, I think.

> On one client many files changed, and bacula made a fullbackup instead of
> a diff backup like it was scheduled.


I mean, possibly many files changed, and possibly Bacula ran a full 
instead of a differental backup, but as far as I know there would not be 
a causal correlation between both.

> I now deleted the full backup and
> want bacula to do the diff backup even if it is nearly a full backup -
> how do I do this?

I don't think you can do that, because I guess that there *is* no longer 
a previous full backup known to Bacula. Perhaps the volumes it was on 
are automatically purged, or you manually purged or deleted the job when 
you actually tried to do something different. Or the last full backup 
failed, which would be the best thing for you - in this case (and make 
sure there is a good full backup left - you could delete the failed job 
from the catalogue. (When doing that, use the 'delete jobid=...' syntax, 
amke sure you have a catalog backup, make sure you understand what that 
command does, and don't blame me for anything :-)

Try the catalog query for the last 20 full Backups for the client. That 
might show you the reason.


IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann                  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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