I have a backup job running and storing on a Dell PowerVault 110T DLT 
tape drive. The backup job start fine and runs fine until it gets to 
998.4Mbytes. After that the job stops and the tape is put into "error". 
The specific messages I get are these:

09-Mar 17:23 maint-dir: dctn.2007-03-09_17.13.34 Fatal error: Network 
error with FD during Backup: ERR=Connection reset by peer
09-Mar 17:23 maint-dir: dctn.2007-03-09_17.13.34 Fatal error: No Job 
status returned from FD.
09-Mar 17:23 maint-dir: dctn.2007-03-09_17.13.34 Error: Bacula 2.0.1 
(12Jan07): 09-Mar-2007 17:23:46

I have 3 jobs listed under this particular file daemon and two of those 
jobs errored out with 998.4 mbytes stored on the disk. The other job was 

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
   210  Full      4,137    998.4 M  Error    08-Mar-07 23:57 dctn
   211  Full          0         0   Cancel   09-Mar-07 00:47 dctn
   212  Full      4,137    998.4 M  Error    09-Mar-07 17:25 dctn

There is about 9 gigs of data on this drive so i'm not sure what is 
causing this. The second job that errored out is also on a different 
tape. I wanted to make sure I didn't just have a bad tape first.

Anyone have any ideas?


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