Damian Lubosch wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> I searched in the list for similar problems with backups to tape.
> What I want to do is migration of jobs to tape with a Tandberg LTO-2 
> SCSI drive.
Ok, I think that I had thermal problems. Keep your Tape Drives cool ;-)

But now I noticed another problem: during a migration job my drive stops
quite often. The migration job finished with that message:

14-Mar 13:57 hugo-dir: The following 1 JobIds will be migrated: 3
14-Mar 13:57 hugo-dir: Migration using JobId=3 Job=zoii.2007-03-13_21.21.09
14-Mar 13:57 hugo-dir: Bootstrap records written to 
14-Mar 13:57 hugo-dir: 
14-Mar 13:57 hugo-dir: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
14-Mar 13:57 hugo-dir:    
14-Mar 13:57 hugo-dir:    Platte1-Freitag0001       BackupStorageWin          
14-Mar 13:57 hugo-dir: 
14-Mar 13:57 hugo-dir: Start Migration JobId 10, 
14-Mar 13:58 hugo-sd: Ready to read from volume "Platte1-Freitag0001" on device 
"BackupDev1" (/backup/bacula-backups).
14-Mar 13:58 hugo-sd: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "Freitag" on device 
"TapeDev" (/dev/rst0)
14-Mar 13:58 hugo-sd: Forward spacing Volume "Platte1-Freitag0001" to 
file:block 0:209.
14-Mar 18:21 hugo-sd: End of Volume at file 39 on device "BackupDev1" 
(/backup/bacula-backups), Volume "Platte1-Freitag0001"
14-Mar 18:21 hugo-sd: End of all volumes.
14-Mar 18:21 hugo-dir: Bacula 2.0.2 (28Jan07): 14-Mar-2007 18:21:14
  Prev Backup JobId:      3
  New Backup JobId:       11
  Migration JobId:        10
  Migration Job:          freitag-tape.2007-03-14_13.57.54
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 hugo-fd
  FileSet:                "rootdir_bsd_home" 2007-03-13 21:20:21
  Read Pool:              "Platte1-Freitag" (From Job resource)
  Read Storage:           "BackupStorageWin" (From user selection)
  Write Pool:             "Tape-Freitag" (From Job Pool's NextPool resource)
  Write Storage:          "BackupStorageTape" (From Storage from Pool's 
NextPool resource)
  Start time:             14-Mar-2007 13:58:00
  End time:               14-Mar-2007 18:21:14
  Elapsed time:           4 hours 23 mins 14 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       2,159,801
  SD Bytes Written:       168,088,680,253 (168.0 GB)
  Rate:                   10642.6 KB/s
  Volume name(s):         Freitag
  Volume Session Id:      1
  Volume Session Time:    1173877051
  Last Volume Bytes:      168,285,164,544 (168.2 GB)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Migration OK

Sometimes the drive ran like for 10 minutes or so without stoping, sometimes it 
stopped and rewound every ten seconds.

The transfer rate should also be 20MB/s or more, since compression is enabled 
but because of the stopping it dropped to 10MB/s.

I am using a standard PC with 2 recent WesternDigital IDE-ATA harddrives, my 
Tapedrive (Tandberg LTO2) is connected to a SCSI Controller, the computer has 
512 MB RAM, and a 2.8GHz Celeron CPU. During the migration no other jobs are 
running on the machine. 

Sometimes I noticed high database (PostgreSQL) activity. Could it have to do 
with the 2.1 million files for backup?

Do you experience similar behavior? I am afraid that this could shorten my 
drives lifespan 

Are there any setting to speed up the migration?

Thank you very much in advance,
Damian Lubosch

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