Frank Sweetser wrote:

>On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 10:28:56PM -0400, AltGrendel wrote:
>>I'm running bacula-mysql-2.0.1-1 on Fedora core 6. Last week the /var 
>>partition filled up, corrupting the bacula database. Using the advice of 
>>Frank Sweetser (thanks again, Frank), I've repaired the tables and have 
>>made a backup of the database. Now I have the problem in that none of 
>>the backup jobs are showing up in bconsole, even though I've verified 
>>that the data is there.
>>The section of the bacula documentation that explains about catalog 
>>maintaince mentions  reindexing  the Filename and Path tables.
>Doing the repair tables should have recreated any indexes.
>It's worth nothing that doing a repair will simply guarantee that the contents
>of the tables are well formed - it's still quite possible that data were lost.
>The next step to try would be to run dbcheck to check a number of possible
>data holes.  If that finds chunks of orphaned records, the only way to
>fill them in would be to dbscan the tapes into the catalog.
MMmmmm kay.

I ran the dbcheck and  it's been  working on checking the Path table for 
orphaned entries since about 23:00. It's now 09:00. Is this normal?

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