
On 4/13/2007 10:50 AM, Florian Heigl wrote:
> Hi all,
> i have been very successful in messing up my configuration today and
> would like to share it with you, either for a laugh or maybe a hint.
> :)

Oh, messing up configurations is always a fun thing... when it happens 
to others ;-)

> i still assume that a storage daemon can have multiple devices,


> but
> i'm not even sure about that by now, this is why i'm looking for help
> - i'll look through the src/examples directory after i send this
> email, i already checked my little email archive but with no success.
> my current state is that bacula's looking for a volume file-03 in a
> directory storage/01 and so on,
> so there's something dead wrong about my configuration, and i have to admit
> I've been fiddling with it for too long. now it's in a state that
> gives no errors, but
> is not right either. :)

Use different Media Types as MasterBrian suggested. You'll probably also 
have to manually update the catalog to reflect the changes if you want 
to keep your existing volumes.

> what i want to end up with is a number devices (file) to assign to the same 
> pool
> i.e.:
> /bacula/storage/00 (10GB)
> /bacula/storage/01 (50GB)
> /bacula/storage/02 (10GB)
> /bacula/storage/03 (...)
> after labeling they'd look like this:
> /bacula/storage/00/hostname-file-00
> /bacula/storage/01/hostname-file-01
> /bacula/storage/02/hostname-file-02
> /bacula/storage/03/hostname-file-03
> and be recycled forever.
> at last i want to use one storage daemon per every two devices, so we
> end up with the
> following:
> sd00:
> /bacula/storage/00/hostname-file-00
> /bacula/storage/01/hostname-file-01
> sd01:
> /bacula/storage/02/hostname-file-02
> /bacula/storage/03/hostname-file-03

I don't see why that wouldn't work.

> first, the sd config, still lacking a size declaration, but that's
> nothing i worry about right now.
> [passwords grepped out]
<snip config>
> side question: Label media = yes or no? I want the volume to keep it's
> name, but to be recycled - does that include 're-labeling' now?

Two possibilities: Enable automatic labeling - just don't use a label 
format that includes the date, job name, or anything that changes 
between backup jobs as that only confuses you later because it will not 
represent the actual volume contents. My opinion, of course. Limit the 
number of volumes per pool. Then, whenever you add more storage devices, 
you only have to copy the device definition and the corresponding 
volume(s) will be created automatically.

Or pre-create volumes per device as needed, which is more work for you, 
but if you don't create storage devices daily that's not really bad.

<snip more config>
> I *think* that my bacula-dir.conf is what's in error, but i'm not sure. :)
> My default Job looks like this:
> JobDefs {
>   Name = "DefaultJob"
>   Type = Backup
>   Level = Incremental
>   Client = bc00-dir-fd
>   FileSet = "Full Set"
>   Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
>   Storage = FileStorage00
>   Messages = Standard
>   Pool = Default
>   Priority = 10
> }
> It was giving me angry errors when i uncommented the Storage, this is
> where another problem of understanding comes in.

I don't understand the problem... you mean that the Storage= line in the 
job causes errors? Astonishing, since that storage device is declared in 
the DIR unless I overlooked a misspelling or something.

> *status storage
> Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
> Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
> The defined Storage resources are:
>      1: FileStorage00
>      2: FileStorage01
>      3: FileStorage02
> Select Storage resource (1-3): 1
> Connecting to Storage daemon FileStorage00 at bc00-sd00:9103
> bc00-sd00 Version: 2.0.0 (04 January 2007) i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat (Zod)
> Daemon started 13-Apr-07 09:36, 4 Jobs run since started.
>  Heap: bytes=219,846 max_bytes=287,417 bufs=91 max_bufs=111
> Running Jobs:
> No Jobs running.
> ====
> Jobs waiting to reserve a drive:
> ====
> Terminated Jobs:
>  JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
> ===================================================================
>     16  Full      1,982    85.06 M  OK       22-Feb-07 19:03 bc01-dir
>     21  Full      1,729    61.27 M  Error    24-Feb-07 03:38 bc00-dir
>     22  Full      1,984    86.22 M  OK       24-Feb-07 03:46 bc00-dir
>     23  Incr         31    17.66 M  OK       24-Feb-07 04:17 bc00-dir
>     24  Incr          0         0   Error    24-Feb-07 23:05 bc00-dir
>     25  Full          1    319.7 K  OK       24-Feb-07 23:10 BackupCatalog
>     35  Incr          0         0   Error    13-Apr-07 09:39 egal
>     36  Incr        260    6.940 M  OK       13-Apr-07 09:41 egal
>     37  Full          0         0   Error    13-Apr-07 10:17 bc00-dir
>     38  Full          0         0   Error    13-Apr-07 10:19 bc00-dir
> ====
> Device status:
> Device "FileStorage00" (/mnt/new/bacula/storage/00) is not open.
> Device "FileStorage01" (/mnt/new/bacula/storage/01) is not open.
> Device "FileStorage02" (/mnt/new/bacula/storage/02) is not open.
> ====
> As the sd spills out status for all devices i assume i probably only
> need one reference in bacula-dir.conf, or does it just not restrict
> it's reply to the queried device?
> (i wish i knew that!)

No and yes. You have to declare each storage device you want to use in 
the DIR, but the SD always reports all storage devices it handles.

> Can I achieve a state where bacula will pick an available device, as
> long as it's in the right pool?
> (I guess yes *g*)

It usually does... but you must ensure that Bacula always uses the 
correct device for each volume. This is where the Media Type is 
important, otherwise Bacula will want to access volumes in another 
device than they belong to. That mostly happens when restoring.

> Well, now.... any hints? :)

Nothing new from me...


> Florian
> p.s.:
> these are the last stitches for the bacula-related part of the bacula
> cluster howto; there's a few gaps that will be filled once i build the
> full setup once, tear it down and rebuilt it successfully.
> i plan to complete it by end of this month - if you want to check it
> out, have a look at
> http://linuxlab.wordpress.com/2007/02/22/bacula-cluster-howto/

IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann                  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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