
I'm still trying to understand why my setup isn't working as expected.
I did some tests (thx Arno for pointing me) about the Ignore FileSet  
Changes option.
This option should be "no" by default as stated on the manual.

Here what I did:
- I added the directive (forced to no) in the example configuration, and  
set the File list to be on the client. [1]
- I deleted/purged every old job of my client
- I added one directory to /home/viashino/files (/etc/bacula) and did a  
full backup. ( End time: 05-mag-2007 11:21:31)
- Added a second directory to /home/viashino/files (/var) and did an:  
"estimate level=Incremental listing" (a snap is attached [2])
- I  then did a backup (incremental) to be sure that it wasn't a problem  
of the estimate (ok, this can sound silly, but I wanted to test  
everything) but indeed the backup was wrong : it backuped only a cuple of  
files (20 more or less).

The Ignore FileSet Changes should compare the two include/exclude lists  
(md5 hash, right?) and if the newest is different from the last, run a  
full backup. Unfortunatly Bacula is not doing this.
When I added /var to my fileset and did the incremental, it backuped ONLY  
the files that were modified after the backup, basing ONLY on the  

I'm using Debian on both client and server, bacula version 2.0.3 (06 March  

Also I'm facing the same problem on the Windows Client (that was the  
starting point :D )

Now, is this a bug?

Thank you for the help, If you need more information please tell me.



FileSet {
   Name = "Full Set"
   Ignore FileSet Changes = no
   Include {
     Options {
       signature = MD5
  File = </home/viashino/files
   Exclude {
     File = /proc
     File = /tmp
     File = /.journal
     File = /.fsck


-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql       100352 2007-05-05 11:21:30   
-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql        59592 2007-05-05 11:21:30   
-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql       319488 2007-05-05 11:21:31   
-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql       439708 2007-05-05 11:21:31   
-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql         3072 2007-05-05 11:21:31   
-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql         3040 2007-05-05 11:21:31   
-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql         3072 2007-05-05 11:21:31   
-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql          650 2007-05-05 11:21:31   
-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql         4096 2007-05-05 11:21:31   
-rw-rw----   1 mysql    mysql          576 2007-05-05 11:21:31   
-rw-------   1 bacula   bacula           0 2007-05-05 11:21:55   
-rw-r-----   1 bacula   bacula       97261 2007-05-05 11:21:31   

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