When I try to restore a file 'toto.txt', I choose the good pool (thanks
to the restore window of the wx console on windows 2000 server), called
Serveur1-Inc-Pool and when I choose the folder (what I want restore)
there is a bug, the tree is illimited, and I didn't find my file

I have Bacula 1.38.11 on debian 4.0
          wx console 2.0.3 on windows 2000 server

this is my bacula-dir.conf

Job {
 Name = "RestoreFiles"
 Type = Restore
 Client= "serveur-bd"
 FileSet="Serveur1 Set"
 Storage = File-Serveur1
 Pool = Default
 Full Backup Pool = Serveur1-Full-Pool
 Incremental Backup Pool = Serveur1-Inc-Pool
 Replace = if newer
 Messages = Standard
 Where = "C:/Documents and Settings/admin/Bureau/base de donnee sport

FileSet {
 Name = "Serveur1 Set"
   Include { Options { signature=SHA1 compression=GZIP }
   File = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\admin\\Bureau\\base de donnee
sport awa$

Client {
 Name = serveur-bd
 Address = serveur-bd
 FDPort = 9102
 Catalog = MyCatalog
 Password = "Password"
 File Retention = 13 days
 Job Retention = 13 days
 AutoPrune = yes

Storage {
 Name = File-Serveur1
 Address = serveur-backup-ubuntu
 SDPort = 9103
 Password = "Password"
 Device = FileStorage-Serveur1
 Media Type = File

Pool {
 Name = Serveur1-Inc-Pool
 Pool Type = Backup
 Recycle = yes
 AutoPrune = yes
 Volume Retention = 13 days
 Accept Any Volume = yes
 Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
 Label Format = Serveur1-Inc-
 Maximum Volumes = 12

Pool {
 Name = Serveur1-Full-Pool
 Pool Type = Backup
 Recycle = yes
 AutoPrune = yes
 Volume Retention = 13 days
 Accept Any Volume = yes
 Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
 Label Format = Serveur1-Full-
 Maximum Volumes = 2

Pool {
 Name = Default
 Pool Type = Backup
 Recycle = yes
 AutoPrune = yes
 Volume Retention = 365 days
 Accept Any Volume = yes

Thank you for your help !!!


Marc Henri Fernandez
Service Informatique
Tourisport company

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BP 109 – 13321 Marseille Cedex 16

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