Well... Let me explain you some stuff.
PV132T has a barcodes reader, so the easier way to get bacula find its
volumes into the library is to label tape with their barcodes. (I guess
you have barcodes on your tape ???, check with mtx -f /dev/sgX status).
Then start bacula director and run update slots. Bacula will ask what's
in the library through mtx. Then label bardcodes will make bacula load
each tape into the drive and write the bardcode as label. Check with
list media (especially inchanger flag).

Scott McDaniel a écrit :
> How do I do that?  I don't see that inside btape.
> Adam Cécile wrote:
>> Run update slots, then label barcodes

Adam CECILE                    Linbox / Free&ALter Soft
152 rue de Grigy               tél: +33 3 87 50 87 95
Technopôle Metz 2000           fax: +33 3 87 75 19 26           
57070 METZ - France            http://www.linbox.com

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