Dave wrote:
> Hello,
>         I've never used a Linux bacula rescue CD at this point i don't need 
> to do any bare metal recoveries of the linux box i have. I do however have a 
> need for FreeBSD bare metal recovery. I've got a few questions.
>     First of all, has anyone done this or got far with it? What i was 
> planning was to use the section of the freebsd handbook as a guide, make a 
> custom boot media, compile bacula-fd statically along with my system's 
> partition information, boot and see if i can do it. I realize this is rough, 
> but my goal is to get the FreeBSD bare-metal recovery as comprehensive as 
> the Linux procedure. To that end i'd like to know how linux rescue goes, i 
> imagine you boot, then run programs like fdisk and format and recreate your 
> system, then use bacula-fd to load file and boot information? If anyone who 
> has done this could give me an overview conceptually i'd appreciate it.

That's roughly it, yes.  The biggest thing to note is that at least for linux,
there are a handful of helper scripts in
/etc/bacula/rescue/linux/cdrom/bacula.  The diskinfo script, for example, will
create a series of secondary scripts that, when run, will recreate the same
partion and LVM layout.  There are also scripts to set up networking and help
wth installing the bootloader.  None of these scripts are mandatory (I've done
manual bare metal restores without them), but they can be extremely helpful.

Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.edu  |  For every problem, there is a solution that
WPI Senior Network Engineer   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken
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