Please ignore this request /reject it..

I had just missed the answer:

 Prefer Mounted Volumes = no in the Job definition..

Thanks anyway,


On 02/07/07, Vamegh Hedayati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello All,

I have the following configuration.. (This is for a poc before rolling

bacula-poc (main server + dns)   -----------> BaculaCLient1 (fd)
 |                                                      |
 |                                                      | ------>
BaculaClient2 (fd)
 |                                                      |
 |                                                      |---------> wacula
(windows fd client)
stakulah (storage daemon) attached to a qualstar 4400 with 2 tape drives.

Configuration files for the director and storage daemon are below this

Everything works great the backups run. I have gotten tls to work and
encryption to work.

The only issue I have is that only 1 tape drive is ever used even though
the qualstar has 2.. I set it to run all jobs at the same time to do a full
run of the backup data (its all test data as this is a proof of concept)
however it only uses one 1 tape drive.. The qualstar is a 48 tape changer
and also works by reading the barcodes so have added all of the tapes to one
pool called default.

list media produces the following:

*list media
Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
Pool: Default

| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes       | VolFiles |
VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten

|       1 | B2-W6-T-01 | Error     |       1 | 44,808,035,328 |      105
|   31,536,000 |       1 |    1 |         1 | AIT2      | 2007-06-22
17:34:20 |
|       2 | B2-W6-T-02 | Full      |       1 | 45,042,471,936 |       65
|   31,536,000 |       1 |    2 |         1 | AIT2      | 2007-07-01
20:16:39 |
|       3 | B2-W6-T-03 | Append    |       1 |  3,284,112,384 |        6
|   31,536,000 |       1 |    3 |         1 | AIT2      | 2007-07-02
17:50:27 |
|       4 | B2-W6-T-04 | Append    |       1 |         64,512 |        0
|   31,536,000 |       1 |    4 |         1 | AIT2      | 0000-00-00
00:00:00 |
|       5 | B2-W6-T-05 | Append    |       1 |         64,512 |        0
|   31,536,000 |       1 |    5 |         1 | AIT2      | 0000-00-00
00:00:00 |
|       6 | B2-W6-T-07 | Append    |       1 |         64,512 |        0
|   31,536,000 |       1 |    7 |         1 | AIT2      | 0000-00-00
00:00:00 |
|       7 | B2-W6-T-08 | Append    |       1 |         64,512 |        0
|   31,536,000 |       1 |    8 |         1 | AIT2      | 0000-00-00
00:00:00 |
|       8 | B2-W6-T-09 | Append    |       1 |         64,512 |        0
|   31,536,000 |       1 |    9 |         1 | AIT2      | 0000-00-00
00:00:00 |
|       9 | B2-W6-T-10 | Append    |       1 |         64,512 |        0
|   31,536,000 |       1 |   10 |         1 | AIT2      | 0000-00-00
00:00:00 |
|      10 | B2-W6-T-11 | Append    |       1 |         64,512 |        0
|   31,536,000 |       1 |   11 |         1 | AIT2      | 0000-00-00
00:00:00 |
|      11 | B2-W6-T-12 | Append    |       1 |         64,512 |        0
|   31,536,000 |       1 |   12 |         1 | AIT2      | 0000-00-00
00:00:00 |
|      12 | B2-W6-T-13 | Append    |       1 |         64,512 |        0
|   31,536,000 |       1 |   13 |         1 | AIT2      | 0000-00-00
00:00:00 |

Pool: WindowsTest
No results to list.
Pool: test
No results to list.

Also status to the storage daemon is as follows:

Status available for:
     1: Director
     2: Storage
     3: Client
     4: All
Select daemon type for status (1-4): 2
Automatically selected Storage: Qualstar-4400
Connecting to Storage daemon Qualstar-4400 at stakulah:9103

stakulah Version: 2.0.3 (06 March 2007) i686-redhat-linux-gnu redhat
Daemon started 22-Jun-07 17:47, 67 Jobs run since started.
 Heap: bytes=88,592 max_bytes=252,358 bufs=117 max_bufs=121

Running Jobs:
Backup Job logs-client2.2007-07-02_16.30.02 waiting for Client connection.
Writing: Full Backup job logs-client2 JobId=238 Volume="B2-W6-T-03"
    pool="Default" device=""Sony-500c-1" (/dev/nst0)"
    spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
    Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0
    FDSocket closed

Jobs waiting to reserve a drive:

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
   227  Full      1,365    20.55 M  OK       01-Jul-07 17:50 Client1
   228  Full          0         0   Other    01-Jul-07 18:20 logs
   229  Full          0         0   Other    01-Jul-07 18:50 logs-client2
   230  Full          0         0   Other    01-Jul-07 19:20 local-backup
   231  Full          0         0   Other    01-Jul-07 19:50
   232  Full     48,287    5.304 G  OK       01-Jul-07 20:42
   233  Full          0         0   Other    01-Jul-07 23:50
   235  Incr         27    105.5 M  OK       02-Jul-07 17:18
   236  Full      1,365    20.55 M  OK       02-Jul-07 17:50 Client1
   237  Full          0         0   Other    02-Jul-07 18:20 logs

Device status:
Autochanger "Qualstar-4400" with devices:
   "Sony-500c-1" (/dev/nst0)
   "Sony-500c-2" (/dev/nst1)
Device "Sony-500c-1" (/dev/nst0) is mounted with Volume="B2-W6-T-03"
    Slot 3 is loaded in drive 0.
    Total Bytes=3,284,112,384 Blocks=50,906 Bytes/block=64,513
    Positioned at File=6 Block=0
Device "Sony-500c-2" (/dev/nst1) is not open.
    Drive 1 status unknown.

In Use Volume status:
B2-W6-T-03 on device "Sony-500c-1" (/dev/nst0)

I have One main question, which is:

1. Can 1 pool use 2 tape drives simultaneously ? and if so how do I force
bacula to use both tape drives ?

If the answer is no, would I need to use more than 1 pool for each tape
drive  and does anyone have a sample configuration or could point me in the
right direction for setting this up ?
I have tried using more than one pool simultaneously in the past but this
has given me problems when coming to tape changes as it asks for manual tape
changing.. Should this automatically work and does anyone have any
suggestions as to what I am doing wrong? I am sure this is down to something
I am misunderstanding.

Thank you in advance for your help,


Configuration for sd as follows (full config):

 Storage {                             # definition of myself
  Name = stakulah
  SDPort = 9103                  # Director's port
  WorkingDirectory = "/opt/bacula/data"
  Pid Directory = "/var/run"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5
Director {
  Name = bacula-poc-dir
  Password ="REMOVED"
Director {
  Name = bacula-poc-mon
  Password = "REMOVED"
  Monitor = yes
Autochanger {
  Name = Qualstar-4400
  Device = Sony-500c-1
  Device = Sony-500c-2
  Changer Command = "/opt/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
  Changer Device = /dev/sg0
Device {
  Name = Sony-500c-1
  Drive Index = 0
  Media Type = AIT2
  Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  #RandomAccess = no;
  AutoChanger = yes
  Maximum Spool Size = 10240000;
  Spool Directory = /var/spool/bacula/
  Alert Command = "sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'"
Device {
  Name = Sony-500c-2                     #
  Drive Index = 1
  Media Type = AIT2
  Archive Device = /dev/nst1
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  #RandomAccess = no;
  AutoChanger = yes
  Maximum Spool Size = 10240000;
  Spool Directory = /var/spool/bacula/
  Alert Command = "sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'"

configuration for director (bacula-dir.conf) :
.... (I havent attached the full file just one section which relates to
client2 also passwords have been removed the file is pretty long hence why
the edited version)

Director {                            # define myself
  Name = bacula-poc-dir
  DIRport = 9101                # where we listen for UA connections
  QueryFile = "/opt/bacula/scripts/query.sql"
  WorkingDirectory = "/opt/bacula/data"
  PidDirectory = "/var/run"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
  Messages = Daemon
  #TLS Enable = yes
  #TLS Require = yes
  #TLS Verify Peer = no
  #TLS CA Certificate File = /opt/bacula/etc/certs/cacert.pem

JobDefs {
  Name = "BaculaClient2-Local-backup"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Incremental
  Client = baculaClient2-fd
  FileSet = "Local Backup"
  #Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
  Schedule = "Daily"
  Storage = Qualstar-4400
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Default
  Priority = 10
  SpoolData = yes
  Write Bootstrap = "/opt/bacula/data/logs.bsr"
Job {
  Name = "localClient2-backup"
  JobDefs = "BaculaClient2-Local-backup"
  Write Bootstrap = "/opt/bacula/data/local-backup.bsr"
FileSet {
  Name = "Local Backup"
  Include {
    Options {
      signature = MD5
    File = "/usr/local"
    File = "/home"
    File = "/var"
    File = "/opt"
    File = "/data"
  Exclude {
    File = /proc
    File = /tmp
    File = /.journal
    File = /.fsck
Schedule {
  Name = "Daily"
  Run = Level=Full daily at 16:30
Client {
  Name = baculaClient2-fd
  Address = baculaClient2
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  File Retention = 30 days
  Job Retention = 6 months
  AutoPrune = yes
Pool {
  Name = Default
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes                       # Bacula can automatically recycle
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 365 days         # one year

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