Ralf Gross schrieb:
> Steve James schrieb:
> > > Ralf Gross schrieb:
> > > > bacula 2.0.3, debian etch amd64, postgres 8.1
> > > >
> > > > I've added some verify jobs to my configuration. If I start one of
> > > > these jobs by hand it works as expected. But if the job is scheduled
> > > > and started after the regular backup I get the error message
> > > >
> > > > Fatal error: verify.c:273 Unimplemented Verify level 73(I)
> > >
> > > [...]
> > >
> > > Posted too soon. Found a bug report about this problem, which is not
> > > a bug.
> > >
> > > http://bugs.bacula.org/view.php?id=1http://bugs.bacula.org/view.php?id=1
> > >
> > > quote:
> > > Most likely you have a Schedule Run "level" override that is forcing
> > > the level to Incremental.
> > >
> > >
> > > That's the case here. I think the only solution will be adding a
> > > different schedule which is not changing the level.
> > >
> > Coincidentally, I also ran into this today. The pitfall, I think, is to 
> > re-use 
> > the backup schedule (complete with Level directives) for use with the 
> > verification job and without realising that the Level directives there will 
> > override the verify level.
> > 
> > I suspect lots of us have done this. Perhaps there is an opportunity to 
> > trap 
> > this in the (most excellent) manual?
> I've another interesting problem. I scheduled the backup and verify
> jobs with different schedule resources, but they have all the same
> start time. I thought using differnt priorities would manage the order
> the jobs are started (this worked before for the backup jobs).
> 1. backup server1 prio 5
> 2. verify server1 prio 6
> 3. backup server2 prio 10
> 4. verify server2 prio 11
> And this is happening:
> backup server1 with prio 5 starts at 00:05 and at the same time both verify
> jobs start! The second backup starts after the first one is done. Because the
> verify jobs start before the backup jobs are done, they choose the wrong jobid
> to compare the catalog data.
> I use 'Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1' in my bacula-dir.conf, thus I thought that
> only one job at a time will start. Is this differnt with verify jobs?
> I can schedule the verify jobs later and maybe it would better for the tape if
> the verify jobs are started in a row (less tape spooling forward/backward). 
> But
> I want to know why this is happening. There is something about the order of
> jobs with different priorities that start at the same time in the manual, 
> maybe
> I'm seeing exactly these symptoms.
> quote:
> If you have several jobs of different priority, it may not best to start
> them at exactly the same time, because Bacula must examine them
> one at a time. If by Bacula starts a lower priority job first, then it will
> run before your high priority jobs. If you experience this problem, you
> may avoid it by starting any higher priority jobs a few seconds before
> lower priority ones. This insures that Bacula will examine the jobs in
> the correct order, and that your priority scheme will be respected.
> But it's not only the order that is wrong, they are started concurrently.

Oh, well. This is bug 803.


I knew I had seen someting related to this topic on the list recently,
but I couldn't find it.


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