Hi to all,

Running Bacula 1.39

I have a schedule of jobs executing sequentially one after another based
on priority where
My Catalog Job has the lowest Priority and is executed last.

I have a situation where I added the "Max Wait Time" configuration
directive to all my jobs to
specifically get around the entire backup halting if the Volume for one
Job has a status of
anything other than "Appendable", which sometimes happens when we've
been messing
With Volume Status Parameters such as after a weekend with a power
outages where we
have to manually re-run backup jobs.

Subsequent to including this directive I now have one host which fails
on every single Job
With a status of "Cancelled" and the reason isn't reported in either the
e-mail sent to me
or in the Logfile.

Is this the right way of accomplishing what I set out to do or are there
better ways to ensure
that the entire backup schedule still completes even though one or more
jobs may fail while
they don't have an "Appendable" Volume to write to ? 

Yours sincerely

Stephan Heine
Support Engineer
Genetic Interactive
Tel: +27 861 99 88 99
Fax: +27 861 99 77 99
Cell: +27 82 467 1164

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